"America was founded as a Christian nation," a guest preacher at my church claimed. Please help me dispute that

Doesn’t sound to me like you read it.

So if I eat mushrooms, am I a sorcerer only when I’m tripping, or do I become a sorcerer for good right then and there?

Perhaps they’ll accept this cite:

While sorcery might not have been a perfect translation, magic and drug use went hand-in-hand.

That is probably because I didn’t provide a recording of me reading it out loud. I didn’t know you required such evidence-Sorry.

Now link it to what is happening today, which is what his claim was all about.

webwarrior was paraphrasing a bible claim (Galatians 5:20).

I don’t agree with webwarrior. Their idea of morality being the christian morality is ridiculous. The best answer (IMO) so far to the OP’s question was

Frankly, his attempt to link sorcery to to today’s problem with addiction and supposedly rising crime is akin to blaming barbers for surgical mistakes and deaths today because, sometime in the far past, barbers also performed surgeries.

That’s showing a 10% increase from last year to this year, which has zero to do with your claim about crime being up since 2008.

I don’t watch CNN. I listen to Wait Wait on NPR, but it doesn’t cover crime statistics that often – it’s mostly fart jokes.

This is a debate forum and you’re expected to cite your claims, not mention news sources in passing as part of something or other. So far, your cites are either missing or have failed to back your claims. Care to try again?

Maybe you’re here just witnessing about Christianity – that’s allowed in this forum as well, but please do us the courtesy in letting us know that you’re just witnessing, not debating. Thanks in advance.

I don’t know, bobot. Take the red pill, and get back to me.

All this is an interesting example of where the OP conundrum comes from.

As mentioned, from every documentable source, the framers of the Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, Constitution, Federalist Papers and Bill of Rights were creating this organized union, later federal republic, were constructing it on the basis of the Enlightenment Philosophers plus the Common Law. Not on the basis of the KJV.

The nation was constituted as a nation wherein the population was majority Christian, and the predominant sociocultural values and mores were Christian, yes. And many of the 13 colonies had institutional establishment of religion. That cannot be disputed. BUT, the Federal Republic, as created, nowhere is committed by its founding documents or by the words of their framers, to propagating and upholding Christianity. Liberty, yes, rule by consent of the governed, yes, fair trials, yes, sanctity of homes and of private papers, yes, protection of property, yes, the “pursuit of happiness” whatever that is, sure, throw that in also. The Praise and Glory to the Lord Jesus Christ and carrying the Good News to others? Appears nowhere.

That, @webwarrior, is our disagreement. At the time of founding, America was a “Christian nation” in that it was a nation of Christians living as such with many institutional norms based on Christian teachings. But America was not founded “as a Christian Nation” in some sort of sense that America, to be America, must live by Christian ways. The founders left that to each of us. It is not a function of “America” the institutional body to make us live on the righteous path, and it takes no legitimacy out of the American legal and political institution for it to adopt secularist-based policy.

ETA: Really?? “Take the Red Pill”?? That’s not serious.

This is called the availability heuristic. If you see a lot of individual stories about something, like crime, you think it is widespread. That’s why for a long time people thought air travel was more dangerous than car travel - you got headlines about plane crashes.
You can’t judge the crime rate by the “if it bleeds, it leads” TV stations. Look up the statistics.

Plus, it is fallacious to assume that even if sorcerers use drugs, all drug users are involved with sorcery. But maybe you think Purdue Pharma is full of witches or something.

I agree with you that Paine was brilliant. You should read his “Age of Reason” some day, the book where he tears the Bible and Christianity to shreds.

I see a lot of Bible Belt cities in the top 25. From that I draw the completely valid conclusion that an excessive of religiosity is tied to violent crime. So we’d all be a lot safer in a city populated mostly or entirely by pagans or atheists.

Modnote: You’re failing to argue the content of the posts and are mildly attacking the posters with several of your replies. Please dial it down. I know you’re new, so I encourage you to follow our simple rules of debate.

You might want to review the rules for Great Debates and Politics and Elections:

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You might want to take the tactic of accepting the conclusion, and then asking questions from there.

“So, if we are God’s chosen nation, why would he strike us with a plague in the fourth year of Trump’s reign?”

“If God wanted Trump to remain President, wouldn’t he have waited until after Trump’s Presidency to smite the US with a plague?”

“What sin were we being punished for re: COVID. Electing Trump?”

Along this vein, when online, I just throw my “Book of COVID” link at these people, then watch them froth.

Most of them were trying to build something similar to European living situations more or less from scratch, everything from buildings to gardens. All of them were trying to survive in a place with no infrastructure that they recognized as such and a climate and ecology that they didn’t understand. Why do you think they had lots more free time than they would have had if they’d stayed in Europe?

And why do you think the people who emphasized liberty in their founding documents did so because they wanted somebody to tell them what to do?

Now you appear to be arguing that the nation at its founding was primarily secular.

I’d call it a desire not to pay their taxes.

Nowhere did I propose or support the idea that the Founding Fathers convened for the purpose of chartering a Christian nation. If anything, the Constitution was drafted in such a way as to prohibit a replay of what had been going on in Europe, (France, England, and the Netherlands in particular) where the heavy hands of some royalty and the fallen Empire of Rome has made life miserable for Northern Europeans. Individual freedom & individual rights – what a concept. My definition of the sad state the residents of Massachusetts found themselves in as a result of “too much time on their hands” is history. One year, they neglected to lay in provisions for the winter and the Indians had to bail them out from their storehouses. The Pilgrims were too busy partying. Yes, I likened the sloth of the colonists to the sad state of morality in America today. That set off a firestorm. Go figure.

Nobody parties like a Puritan.

It’s not. I’ve been walking the streets of L.A. at night pretty frequently lately.

Violent crime in general is on a long term downward trend.

Maybe some does. But even if true, that doesn’t mean people using mind altering drugs are practicing sorcery.

Really? A one year increase? During a year like no other? That the best you got?

Does a candy flip make me super powerful?