An interesting stat: amenable mortality

Damn, in all that I forgot to say what I’d come to say/

One thing about the French UHC system: we’re heavy into preventative care and “maintenance” check-ups. We’re very much enjoined to regularly see at least a GP in order to catch any problem early and if possible nip them in the bud or try and keep them in check before they become critical. Because when the shit hitteth the fan, that’s when medicine starts costing *real *money.
As I understand it, that’s one thing the US doesn’t really do - maybe it’s cultural (and believe you me, I do understand the urge not to call a doctor unless you’re just about dying. And even then, telling him it’s not urgent :)), maybe because going to see the doctor for “nothing” still costs y’all an arm and a leg. But then you pay even *more *when you liver up and explodes :confused: