An open letter to Der Trihs

Sorry for the typos. Ugh…

Didn’t notice them; read content.

I only opened this thread because I though it was perhaps a misplaced pitting.

I will say this about DT:

  1. I believe he is exceptionally sincere.

  2. I believe he is consistent.

  3. I believe he is passionate about the things he believes in.

  4. I believe he honestly believes the things he writes. IOW he’s not trying to be bombastic or controversial. He is a true believer, imo. He’s not a troll.

That said, the notion that he makes anyone bring their “A game” is laughable on its face. If comments like ‘George Bush hates women and wants them all to die in back alley coat hanger abortions’ and the like represent intelligent discourse to you than have at it.

That said he seems incapable of:

  1. A reasoned argument about anything.

  2. Nuance.

  3. Balance.

  4. An ability to write in anything but incendiary and over-the-top bombastic language.

  5. Cohesion. Virtually every comment is almost rage-filled. They look *irrational.
    *Even when his fundamental point is one that leans towards reason, he finds a way to make it unreasonable.

It isn’t enough that pro-life arguments *(as one example)*are wrong and less then compelling; and that science, church/state arguments etc back that claim. No…pro-lifers are blood thirsty and hate woman and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

I have had many (actually, almost all) discussions with people who I disagree with. But his posts are unreadable.

Yet you still read them…

I other words… he has dragged you down to his level.

Muwahahaha… [steeples fingers]…excellent…

Howso? Please elaborate.

If all it took was some random guy on a message board, of all things, to talk you out of your faith, it doesn’t sound like you were all that serious about it to begin with.

C.S. Lewis was someone who would debate atheism with academics before his conversion. In the book, Surprised By Joy he describes why he was an atheist and that he eventually decided that he did not believe it. He does not describe how much of an atheist he was, or that he would engage in public debates in that book.

As for a thread of Der Trihs worshiping, I can only go so far as to say I like the fella’s posts for the most part.


Actually I don’t read them. Not a one.

Obviously, at one time, I suffered through them. That was briefly and a long time ago.

Being converted to atheism by Der Trihs is like being turned straight by Fred Phelps.


Enlightenment comes in many forms.

So does bullshit.


No! Wait! The OP is really a whoosh and he/she’s waiting for a post from the first one to figure it out!

What do I win?

First of all, “no true scotsman” fallacy right there.

Next, please read my posts in this very thread. I talk about a few (very few) things that led me away from faith. People on this board were a factor. You said that is all it took, but you are wrong in ways you can read here, and in ways you cannot possibly know.

I did not abandon my faith quickly or lightly. Suggesting otherwise shows your ignorance of the situation.

Der is usually a dick but that doesn’t make him any less right. But he’s still a dick, who’s right most of the time.

Even if a hard sneeze caused one to have an enlightenment, you can’t call that a bullshit.

So says you.

Way back when I seem to remember a post that flirted with* rationality* but none that were right.

I’m generally on DT’s side of arguments and yet I’d agree with the above. I’m thoroughly gobsmacked by the OP, frankly. But hey, whatever works for you.