Analyze the Lyrics!

You know, Seattle is one of my most favorite cities and is only an 1 1/2 flight away.



Coarse and violent nudity. Occasional language.

Anybody remember the motorbike song “Little Honda” from the Sixties? It sounded like the refrain went, “Her ears is all right…”

Anybody remember the motorbike song “Little Honda” from the Sixties? It sounded like the refrain went, “Her ears is all right…”

Sorry about that!! I must have pushed a key twice to get this message posted twice–shades of the BBQ Pit…

Okay, what about that stupid ass song about Nookie. What the hell does it mean when he says…

I did it all for the nookie,
So you can take that cookie,
And shove it up your ass.

That is the dumbest song I’ve heard in a long time.

Oh yeah, what about White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane. I love this song, but there is one part kind of in the middle where it sound like she is saying:

One man on the chessboard
Gets up and tells you where to go
And you’ve just had some kind of mushroom
And your mind is moving wrong

Go ask Alice
I think she’ll know

(and here is the part I can’t understand. It sounds like: )

When logic and proportion
have fallen and the swan is dead…

What the hell is she saying?

dkgreath - “When logic and proportion
have fallen and the swan is dead…”

I always knew it as “When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead”

No SDMB? Blasphemer!!! Off with his head!

About “Iko Iko”…not challenging anything, but I always heard the “jokomo” part as “talkin’ 'bout.” I had no idea what came after that…I just figured that my grandma and your grandma were talkin’ 'bout feenahnay. Or something.

Then again, I heard the line from “Breakfast At Tiffany’s” (by Deep Blue Something) not as

“She said I think I remember the film,” but as
“She said I think I remember the bell-mime.”

Not a clue what a bell-mime is. Just trying to resolve the sounds I heard into something slightly intelligible.

“I’m just a manifestation of your imagination.” – Me.

About “It’s All Been Done.”

I don’t think it’s about time-travelling lovers, per say, but rather about re-incarnated lovers. Compare it to “What do you Dream About?” (I think) on the same album… This song is quite clearly about the narrator’s son remembering about his past lives.


In the 1969 song “And When I Die,” it sounds like, at the end of one verse, the singer is saying “The hell I don’t!”
Another ambiguous verse from “Help Me, Rhonda:”
A relative thought “help me, Rhonda, Help help me Rhonda” was “Happy Hanukkah, Hap-Happy Hanukkah…”