Angles are real and we walk between them

This thread is becoming way too protracted.


We have a house that looks like a blue golfball up the street from us. It’s quite interesting to look at.

Particularly (but not exclusively) if you live in England.

Or if you fish.

Walking between them too closely can have far-reaching effects

Hey, you got Angle in my Saxon!
Well you got Saxon in my Angle!

Hmmm, tastes great! Wanna go slay some Romano-Celts?

I knew there was a trig to this thread.

I dunno… A lot of the domes I’ve seen are just covered in angles. Now yurts, on the other hand…

I don’t believe in angles myself. At the quantum level, everything is discrete. So, angles are only an illusion on the macro scale.

I always wanted to tri angles.

Cos it’s a sin.

I can’t believe how protracted this thread is.

Heathens! Have we learned nothing from the great prophet Oblio?

Repent. Embrace the sphere before it is too late.

I wasn’t going to laugh at this thread, but then I did, on reflex.

Incidentally, if an Anglophone is someone who speaks the language of the Angles, what does that make someone who speaks the language of the Saxons? :confused:

Yeah, me, neither. After I started it I thought I was being a turd because of how sparkly warm the Angel thread was.

Oh, there’s no pun in this post - still, it’s funny, no?

I lost mine in Bermuda

Me, I just sit back and bask in the glow of the thread and get a nice tan.

Well, it’s no cosine pun…

Hey, when come back, bring pi! :smiley:

Bill Clinton? :slight_smile:

i figured you would put that sort of slant on things.

I feel I should intersect at this point. This thread is not normal at all–it’s a slippery slope, for sure. I tried to run over the rise, and found myself inverted.