Anthony Cumia of "Opie and Anthony" fired

What you’re forgetting is the Conservative movement now sees him as a hero and there is an entire industry now that separates the Conservative masses from their money and they eat it up with a spoon. Paula Deen is dipping her toe into that world and he could do the same.

Cumia already thinks he’s some kind of victim due to his whiteness, so you combine that mentality with his alcoholism and it’s likely he made the whole thing up.

He’s been on Red Eye a few times. Red Eye is a show that I’m only aware of because of O&A.

I thought of this today: What about Opie and Ron? Ron can do a show with random people off the street, but the fact is that both shows are now missing half of the people in the show titles.

While I think that Same Roberts is ready for prime time, he and Opie both play the straight man. Opie needs a comic genius with him, or he has to have a constant stream of stand-up comedian in the studio with him.

He would not be liked on right wing talk. Although you would put him on the right on issues like economics and gun control, he leans pretty liberal on most social issues like gay marriage and abortion.

Unemployed (possibly unemployable) overly well-armed alcoholic racist guy on Long Island with no way to pay his bills.

I have no idea how this could possibly end.

No way to pay his bills except for his millions.

Maybe. The old saw of radio was that everyone was famous & nobody was rich. Maybe he is. All I was saying was that two weeks ago, his lifestyle/standard of living was based on 6 figures a year paid in weekly/biweekly checks.

Those checks will stop now, but all the bills will keep coming as if he still had that income. There would have to be a massive down-sizing of lifestyle… it only makes sense… or he’d be hemorrhaging principal.

Look, I don’t want to speculate further. One, its kicking him when he’s down… and two, I’m not sure I’m outside of automatic weapons range.

Why poke someone with nothing to lose?

I think they were playing yet another “best of” today (Wednesday). Anybody know what the planned days off were supposed to be? I kinda/sorta listened to last Tuesday’s show (whichever was the last one On Demand) but didn’t get a sense if there was supposed to be a show the next day.

I tried to listen to Ron and Fez’s Monday show to see what they mentioned, but there were technical difficulties all day long.

Their last couple of contracts were reported to be 3 million a year. And supposedly that was a pay cut from the XM days. Looking at various sports figures and lottery winners proves that you can absolutely blow through that money. But he is intelligent and has talked about various investments. He obviously knew that he could be fired. I have a feeling he is doing ok.

I listened for a few minutes on the way to work. It was another rerun, but they did run a commercial where they said that this coming Monday Opie and Jim would figure out what to do next while on the air. They said it would be the first live show since… last week.

They’ve been playing repeats and best-ofs, but all the ones I’ve heard don’t have Anthony in them at all. So maybe they’re digging through the vaults for shows where Anthony called in sick or something.

And having posted that, the best-of this morning did include Anthony quite prominently, so that theory is out the window.

I think this guy is clearly racist. I also don’t want to see him, or anyone, removed from their respective shows for their beliefs or comments about anything provided their comments are not inciting violence or harmful illegal activities. I don’t understand the mentality of people who boycott shows or the advertisers within shows in order to have them pulled off the air.

Really? You don’t understand the mentality of people who are thinking about not being customers of corporations that knowingly give money to racists?

It seems pretty obvious to me.

That’s not what I wrote.

Then you need to express yourself more clearly, because that’s what it looks like.

(Bolding relevant part)

I have no problem with people feeling that this guy is a racist and they don’t want to listen to his show anymore and canceling their subscriptions. I have no problem with Focus on the Family not liking whatever the hell they decide not to like on a daily basis and turning that off as well.

Once it is turned off, that is the end of it. My part in this is now done. Why the hell would I care if this show is still on and other people want to still listen to it? Maybe they get something out of it that I don’t. It’s none of my business. Why would I work toward removing it from the airwaves by threatening advertisers? How arrogant is it for me to decide that not only that I don’t want to watch something (which is obviously fine), but I don’t want other people to watch it either?

“This guy is racist and I don’t want to support him” = fine
“This guy is racist and I don’t want to support him and I’m going to call the company and their advertisers and threaten to stop supporting the surrounding businesses unless he is removed from the airwaves” = cowardly

My bolding.

Or activism. It’s one way change happens.

Your values seem reversed to me. Both of your actions are initially the same - you decided to stop listening to the show. But it seems more cowardly to just make a decision and then keep it to yourself. It takes more courage to make a stand and then declare it publicly.

I have no problem with declaring it publicly if that’s your thing. But at that point, why do you care if I keep listening to it? I don’t mean that rhetorically.

I don’t understand the motivation behind my making any effort to limit an audience other than myself. I think Glenn Beck was a clown of epic proportions, but I had no problem with him having his show air every day. Some people liked it. I didn’t.