Any jigsaw puzzle fans?

Finally finished! I didn’t work on it a whole lot over the summer, and decided to make a big push after Labor Day to try to get it done before October.

I don’t think I’m going to try anything like that again anytime soon.

I’m Little Nemo and I approve this message.

I have one of those. That’s a really cool puzzle, and I like it a lot.

I recently got into puzzles. I’ve only done three puzzles total and I’ve just started this one. I’m about a quarter of the way through:

For Christmas last year I got an Earth puzzle from Blue Kazoo, not too bad. I also got a Sun puzzle (difficult) and a Moon puzzle I haven’t done yet. It’s buried in my puzzle box somewhere.

Umm, that “Find This Best” site is nothing but puzzles in the same amateurly-painted style. And not like the “discrete objects” one that one Hypno-Toad recommended

And all from the same manufacturer… hmmm… The top puzzle in the world, and the second and the third… all the way to the tenth, are all the exact same style from the same section of the same catalog. What are the chances?

Even though the fine print states:

  • Our editing teams independently research, review, and recommend the best products based on extensive data analysis.

Just trying to fight ignorance. I don’t think an “advertising and clickbait disguised as an objective ranking site” should be allowed.

I’ve actually done two of the exact ones in that list and Buffalo Games does make really well-crafted puzzles. I generally find them to have the best fitting pieces.

My sister gave us the moon puzzle last year. It was quite challenging.

This year Mrs Magill gave herself a jigsaw advent calendar. She’s been occupying herself with it for a few minutes after dinner.

Well, are you happy now? I just spent more money on puzzles than I’d intended, and ordered some for people I’d already bought presents for!

Darn you all to heck!

ps: Amazon still has a number of puzzles that’ll get “there” by Christmas.

My friend’s doing one. I thought it would be 24 different puzzles, but it’s one big one, so she’s doing one of the boxes each day and sharing her daily accomplishment. Looking forward to seeing the completed puzzle.

I don’t have an available surface to use, but for the past month or so, people have been working on some in the break room at work (only one at a time, so there are always plenty of tables for everyone to eat lunch at). The one in progress is of a dachshund puppy. It has some extra large single-color pieces in various puppy-themed shapes.

I don’t have space for it in my house, but my mum usually has one on
a board on her piano (baby grand) which my sis, sil & i have a go at
when we visit.
I have recently got addicted to the online versions at jigidi which
chefguy mentioned.

For my birthday at the end of October, I went looking for a new puzzle at our local toy store. Ravensberger has a line of what they call Escape Puzzles which are modeled after the “escape room” idea, where after completing the puzzle you have to find clues to solve to arrive at a solution.

I got the one with the wolves. The puzzle itself was challenging, primarily because so much of it was dark and many of the edge pieces fit together even if they aren’t correct (which is kind of intentional). And I was able to figure out the final puzzle even without figuring out all of the clues in the puzzle. So the jigsaw puzzle itself was fine but the gimmick was “meh”.

I’ve seen that advertised, and it looks interesting.
I’ve requested no puzzles for Christmas this year, since I have some left from last year not yet done, plus ones from the thrift stores.
BTW, I have a new favorite. The Goodwill store in Tillamook, Oregon has a wall full of puzzles. I expressed my amazement at the variety when I was checking out, and the clerk said someone had just been in who bought about two dozen.

I saw a really cute puzzle-picture the other day, called “Bagel or beagle?”. It was a grid of 12 or 16 pictures, each one a picture of either a toroidal bread roll, or of a dog (or sometimes two dogs) curled up in a circle. A lot of them, you really had to look twice to see which it was.

It was only a 300-piece, though, so I didn’t bother getting it.

I just recently learned that my local library loans out puzzles. They have probably 30 or so available.

They also loan games - classics as well as all the current popular ones. It’s a good way to try a game out before pulling the trigger on buying it. We recently borrowed Ransom Notes and Azul.

(I recommend them both)


I’m hesitant since my friend brought one home that was missing five pieces…


Mom, I don’t need a puzzle this year, but I could use something to put one on… here’s a link to one made by Steinway.

Everybody in the puzzle swap group was doing Christmas puzzles so I decided to put my round world puzzle away and do a Christmas one instead. I didn’t put the world one away, away. Just folded up the puzzle board and stuck it in the spare room. Don’t want to start that one over again. The edge was not easy. Literally every piece was a false fit. I guess because it’s round? I don’t know. The rest of it is difficult but doable.

That’s true. If I only did one or two puzzles a year, I’d probably buy new, but I do so many that a missing piece now and then is no big deal. (I got one once with like half the pieces missing.)
I donate my finished puzzles back to thrift stores, but I recycle one with missing pieces so no one is disappointed.

It is often better to start in the middle of round puzzles, since the edges have some weird connections. But I’ve never had one with false fits. Usually the pieces have more variety than rectangular puzzles.
The worst false fit ones are cheapie puzzles from China. You can tell these because they have a grid of numbers and letters on the back. I’ve discovered that if I wind up with one of these for one color regions it is faster to flip the pieces over and connect using the codes.