Any of you 'Dopers ever been in jail?

You can wind up in jail for the silliest things.

I have a rule about what I’ll post on the Internet, that being only what I could survive my boss reading.

That being said, five times. Or, technically, four times, as in four times in jail and once off to a prison.

Never for being bad to anybody. Always for too much fun. Or aiding and abetting too much fun,

Four times were just bookings and post a bond (4-36 hours). Once was serve a sentence (for a campfire - not mine - in a State Park).

I don’t want to ever go there again. New Orleans was the last, over 20 years ago.

Alright! Another night, and now there are some responses (i.e. I’m not the first…) I did “thirty days in the hole” for DUI. (I know, I’m scum, I should be castrated, blah, blah, blah!) Pretty painless really, work-release, back “home” at night to play my guit, ping-pong, eat CRAPPY food (we had “steak” one night…I swear to God, they should have retired that “nag” way sooner! :slight_smile: ) In the “Franklin County Hotel”

Been in a bunch of state and federal prisons, but never as an inmate. Always for work. Stateville had to be the most icky, but they never sent me to Leavenworth because they thought I’d be eaten alive (the judge who used to make the Leavenworth trips was pretty much nutso, and he thought it was a good idea to walk straight through the rec room where the inamtes who he’d just ordered deported - mostly Mariel boatlift Cubans who Castro wouldn’t take back - were playing pickup basketball. Naturally, the interpreter had to go with the judge, which was just not my idea of a good time).

The Federal women’s prison in Lexington, KY wasn’t half bad. I can’t remember what kind of shoes people wore at the various prisons; I seem to remember regular gym shoes, but it may not have been uniform, as the prisons were all over the Midwest and were of varying security levels.

(Oh, and I’ve been in the facility where QtM works on multiple occasions, although before he was working there, and in the main administration building, not in the general prison population. That was actually not a bad assignment, because the town is small and close enough that you can go out for lunch without having to drive 20 miles. Believe me, when going to prison for the day, you want to provide your own food if at all possible. I think the fear of having to eat prison chow alone would keep me oon the straight and narrow.)

I spent 22 hours in jail in Las Vegas. I visited county, city and department of corrections jails. I realized how (some, not all) there must not be too much of a challenge in the testing department to be an officer.

I spent a couple hours in our local jail. The worst part of it was having to face the cousin who was practically my big brother. He is a jailer there.

I dont remember anything about my shoes BUT I do remember them making me take out all my earrings andpull off my rings. Like I could hurt myself with them. I spent most of the time peeling the paint off the half wall in the the john. They prolly thought I had the world’s worst bladder!

To expand on that a little bit and possibly get closer to what the OP wants to know.

My experiences were mostly with a mixture of hardened (or hardening) criminal types and other reasonably civil fuck-ups like myself. Overnight lock-up was not overly populated by the sociopaths that make up much of the long-term prison population. And that campfire sentence, while it did get me sent to County, was really rather rejuvenating. After two months of hitchhiking, sleeping indoors, with three hots and a cot, and clean Monterrey County denims to wear (elastic - no belt loops), was actually refreshing.

So, no, while I was in Monterrey County there were enough short-timers of the truly not bad but - whoops - fucked up variety that life did not become a question of how long until the anal rape.

The really bad boys seemed to know that they had to save what they had for the Big House.

Dude! Deal with it! Like you said yourself, it was TEN frickin years ago! LET IT GO!!! It’s not that big a deal!

One time I got all out of control and assaulted my husbands ex-wife. It was a long time ago.

December 12, 1999.

I was pregnant with my last child and I was very hormonal. I just couldn’t take anymore of her crap. When she showed up at our house to pick up my step-daughters early and tell my husband that we could not have the girls for the Christmas holiday at all I snapped. I couldn’t stop hitting her, my husband had to pull me off her, and that took some doing.

She has never ever again tried to deny my husband his visitation rights.

It was possibly the best $186 I ever spent.
And, for those who are wondering, the kids didn’t see any of this, although they did find out about it when she took them to the police station to file the report. I did apologize to my step-daughters and asked them to forgive me. Her lawyer advised her that she had to let the girls come for Christmas.

One of our field trips in junior high was going to a prison and talking to the prisoners. Does that count? :smiley:

Once, when I was about 7. They took us to the Monterey jail, the old one, no one in it, they showed us that ball & chain in the room. I guess the idea was you don’t want to ever be there.

QTM is in jail alot, but then he is a prison doc :slight_smile:

Oh, I spent about 72 hours in general population at the Baltimore City Jail, does that count?

I was careful not to provoke anybody, I knew I was going home Monday morning and I wasn’t about to jeopardise that, they new I was only in for a few days and weren’t inclined to waste time fucking with me as long as I left everone alone. I spent a lot of time in my cell studying for exams.