Anybody else not giving gifts?

We’ve scaled down in the last few years… In my family we choose names so that we only have to get something for one person. Hubby’s family chose not to exchange this year, so that’s a nice gift in itself. A couple friends still stubbornly get us something, but I’ve quit reciprocating. I can live with being considered rude. What I can’t do is bankrupt myself to play nice.

As for Hubby and I, we buy a couple thing for eachother, but often provide a specific wishlist, so there’s no guessing involved.

We also buy for the kids we are close to in the family… but I love shopping for kids. I’m the aunt that gives books, they know it, they expect it, and the older ones will ask for specific titles.

I really put my foot down on the craziness this year by refusing to put up a tree. That decision has given me peace of mind that I now believe will carry me through a weekend full of traveling, visiting, and being nice to familial idiots.

Yep. I have also forsaken holidays.

It’s quite possible that I’ve never bought a Christmas gift or card in my whole life. I say that because I can’t remember if maybe I did once or twice many moons ago.

In any event, I don’t receive them either. And, believe it or don’t, I like it that way.

A few years ago, during the great rush of Christmas shopping, my exhausted mother remarked: “I can’t wait until Christmas is finally over. Then we can finally relax.” Does that not suck as a sentiment? The idea that Christmas is this arduous event that you want over so THEN you can enjoy yourself. So we said “Bah! Christmas can stuff it!” Now we forgo the gift-giving portion altogether and the holiday is about enjoying the holidays without the commercial requirements.

Stopped giving presents years ago and mostly stopped participating. Still haven’t found a way to avoid the stupid christmas eve snoozefest, and I still have to accept some gifts from stubborn douchebags who won’t respect my wishes, but other than that I’m mostly in the clear.

Don’t I WISH. But there seems to be no way to derail it. Young Miss Sali, college grad, unemployed, living at home wants/needs just about everything and Mr. Sali, doting daddy, will provide for his little girl at all costs. Every year we say, let’s scale it down, but Mr. Sali’s one of those pathetic types who needs lots and lots of stuff to feel better about himself (even if he just buys his own presents. go for it, I say.). I have two of everything I need and am planning to get rid of a lot of ‘stuff’ this year - dishes, clothes, Christmas stuff, artifical flowers, vases, pots and pans. I don’t want or need a whole lot more ‘stuff’. So I get stupid things like calendars, coffee mugs, and sweatshirts with kitties on them cause they figure “we’ve got to get her SOMETHING to open up on Christmas.”:rolleyes: Wish we could put an end to all this stupid gift-giving. It’s hard on my mother who doesn’t get around much any more but frets and frets and frets over Christmas presents. Won’t give gift cards cause “they’re so impersonal!”. Fine. Knock yourself out, mom, hobble over to the mall three times a week and charge up a storm of nightgowns and slippers and “body butter”.

Disgusting. The whole thing. The older you get, the less you like Christmas, I’ve found out, and all my friends agree. Once the kids are grown, give a little token if you must. Doesn’t work out that way, though.

I do Christmas for my mother and for the food. No gifts though. Can’t afford it.

Several years ago my in-laws announced that they were taking the money they’d usually spend on xmas presents and giving it to charity. Great idea, I said. Now we all do that. It’s wonderful and also has the virtue of getting me out of the mall from Thanksgiving til New Years. Those of you who want to quit it, try this; nobody can beef about your donating money to charity!

My wife and I have never exchanged gifts. I usually send something home to my parents, buts it usually more out of helping them with some expenses and is happens throughout the year.

On Christmas Day, my wife works overtime and I sit home and drink beer. When she gets home, we hit a Chinese buffet and a movie. Jews for a Day I guess.