Anybody Ever Really Use This Torture?

My urologist shoved a camera up there, I promise I would have told him anything he wanted to know…No hammer needed


I’m assuming this is a joke, seeing how 1)that would take too long and 2) if you can’t grow other seeds in your stomach, there is no reason why bamboo should work.

I take it we had the same history teacher?

The glass rod I can handle… but Henry Miller!


Surprisingly, a google search on that turns up nothing. Not even porn, amazing.

That’s because you put it in quotes. Dooku just put it in quotes so you could see what words he was searching for… I doubt he would have put the words in there as a phrase.

C’mon, kid - you were just getting some credibility here! Stick to the high road.

I knew a man who was in WWII and the Japanese had taken him prisoner and pulled all his teeth.

Why? Did he have cavities?

I wonder if you could make a good living as a glass penis rod salesman.

It would be worth it just to have the title on your business cards!

the iraqis use a torture where they hook up electrodes to one’s penis…but that’s just a variation on the electricity-to-body-part theme :wink:

the version I heard is that they stick a watermelon seed in your penis, and…
well, actually that was it.

BTW, the Japanese “Death by a thousand cuts” (24 actually, ending with decapitation) wasn’t used as a torture method, but as a form of execution during the medieval period.

Well…I think he may have the details wrong, but…

“Another common torture was the “rice torture,” in which the victim would be starved for several days and then have a large amount of uncooked rice forced down his throat. A hose would then be put in the victims mouth and he would swallow a large amount of water, which caused the rice to expand. This would cause excruciating pain as the stomach stretched to its limit, and the pain would often continue for days as the rice was digested. The resulting stress on the digestive tract would also cause internal and rectal bleeding.”

Hidden Horrors, Japanese War Crimes in World War II by Yuki Tanaka

Aside from whether this is true or not, glass rods of that size are easy to come by. Didn’t anyone ever use a pippette in science class? Or perhaps they just made do with plain old thermometers; those would be about the right size.

ACtually it’s fairly well documented that at the beginning of WWII the Japanese had their own Internment camps in Mongolia where the performed “experements” like seeing how long someone could withstand the elements by stripping them bare standing them in water outside ion the snow… or completely freezing a limb (like an arm) and then snashing the frozen appendage.

This was well documented in Men Behind the Sun and The Rape of Nanking.

God, I’m sure glad I’m not going to Nathan’s for lunch.

Well, having made the mistake when eating rice-milk (you know, rice, milk, sugar and cinnamon… why are you all looking at me like that?) of not fully cooking the rice, I have a small inkling of what that would feel like…

All this talk of bashing penis’ with hammers is reminding me of the word Plebura (sp) as defined in “The Meaning of Liff” by Douglas Adams and John Lloyd (I think)

Plebura (n) - A South American game, where a ball is whacked against a brick wall with a stout wooden bat, until the prisoner confesses.

The way I heard that one was the Japanese soldiers would tie you down on top of growing shoots and let them grow up until they began to pierce the skin, bamboo growing so quickly. Still would take too long for the battlefield, as if there aren’t any easier ways :rolleyes: