Anyone but Ike and I watch silent movies?

I’m with Guy Propski on Wiene’s the Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. Brilliant. That and Murnau’s Nosferatu are the best.

Also: Pabst’s Pandora’s Box with the gorgeous Louise Brooks, Keaton’s Sherlock, Jr., & Lang’s Metropolis.

About a year ago I saw a long silent film (from France, I believe) featuring a mime and a woman whom he falls in love with. Can anyone help me with the title of this film? The guy who played the mime was fantastic.

Yet to be reconciled with the reality of the dark for a moment, I go on wandering from dream to dream.

BTW, that Lilian Gish film Way Down East that I mentioned earlier is the one with the famous sequence where Gish has to cross a nearly-frozen river at the top of a waterfall. :eek:


My guess is that this is one of Jacques Tati’s movies (one of his Mr. Hulot movies). They were silent (pretty much), and he was a mime, but not from the silent era–they were from the 50’s.

Eve: I am insanely jealous now! :wink: I did like that film alot. Joan Crawford playing a genuinely nice girl was interesting. And I still want to learn how to do the Crawford Romp.

Changing my sig, because Wally said to, and I really like Wally, and I’ll do anything he says, anytime he says to.


It’s CHILDREN OF PARADISE, directed by Marcel Carne in 1945.

And it’s not silent. Maybe they just had the sound turned off.