Anyone else questioning the extent of "social isolation"?

So sorry for the duplicates! I kept getting an error message. :frowning:


Sometimes when you get an error message, your post has in fact gone through. So open another window and navigate to that thread and you’ll probably see your post there.

The U.S. has more than 5 times as many people–which means another couple weeks after that to reach the same impact.

This scares me. Did you tell the people to keep their distance?

I have to go to the drugstore tomorrow to pick up two OTC medications as per my doctor’s orders. I will have zero compunction about telling people to stay 6 feet away from me when I’m on line. Maybe I should start a thread for tips on maintaining distance in public when others around you don’t seem to be trying to do the same thing.

Thanks – I just posted this on our Geography Department (university) facebook page.

Kids are not immune. There are several cases I know of of children under the age of 5 who have contracted COVID-19, two of them in the county I live in. There are also local cases of adolescents and young adults under the age of 30.

[quote=“Green_Bean, post:185, topic:849671”]

This scares me. Did you tell the people to keep their distance?

I’m embarrassed to say I didn’t. I’ll be more assertive next time.

They are immune to dying from it. They often show a much, much lower reaction with greatly reduced symptoms.

Although I just saw (on the NYT I think) that the risk goes back up when you get to the very very young, like under two years old.

JKelly, you’re welcome!

Ah, good point. I guess I was thinking of it as being per capita. We still don’t want to be trending at the same slope though. South Korea showed you can dramatically shift your trend, but I don’t have much confidence of that happening here.

Gyms in your area are still open?

I hope the attitude of “there’s only 88 cases” in Oregon does not give a false sense of security. There was I at the beginning of feb saying there’s only 30 cases in Seattle, and most are from one elderly care facility. Hell, there were only about 31 cases in the entire US of A and NY was at zero back then since testing was pretty much unavailable.

US = 14k
NY = 5700
WA State = 1400 (and still can test maybe a few thousand per day)

Doubling time is around three days at the moment … so roughly one week

They are not immune to dying from it. Recent Chinese reports show that some children got sick enough to require supplemental oxygen and in one case intubation, so without question in a large enough sample you would see some fatalities.

No, just no.

It does appear to be a much reduced rate compared to older people, but it is not 0. They are not “immune to dying from it”, whatever that is supposed to mean.

This is really dangerous and morally suspect reasoning, especially given actual deaths in kids.

Gyms in your area are still open?

I hope the attitude of “there’s only 88 cases” in Oregon does not give a false sense of security. There was I at the beginning of feb saying there’s only 30 cases in Seattle, and most are from one elderly care facility. Hell, there were only about 31 cases in the entire US of A and NY was at zero back then since testing was pretty much unavailable.

US = 14k
NY = 5700
WA State = 1400 (and still can test maybe a few thousand per day)

…you continue to make extraordinary and dangerous claims in this thread. The 14 year-old boy (who was part of the study) who diedwas certainly not immune to death. Many often do show a much lower reaction with greatly reduced symptoms. But obviously that means there are some who do not.

I’m not going to argue with you, but that is nit picking in the strictist form. If this virus killed a fraction of a fraction of a percent of people and only those who are compromised, we would be saying we are, generally, immune to it. Nit pick all you want, though. As far as antivaxxing goes, this will not self correct. Go nit pick stranger if you want to be that picky.

…it isn’t “nitpicking” to correct your assertion that “kids are immune to dying from it.” Kids simply are not immune to dying from it and to claim that they are in the middle of a worldwide pandemic is both dangerous and irresponsible.

Here’s a whole bunch of them. “It’s a media hoax to ‘besmirch’ the president.” :smack:

Coronavirus deniers and hoaxers persist despite dire warnings, claiming ‘it’s mass hysteria’

My emphasis.

No further comment needed.

I wish these people would prove their faith by all moving into a tent city together for a month or two. Sort of a modern twist on snake-handling.

But, innocent children would suffer, and they’d all just come back and start coughing on the rest of us anyway.