Anyone else remember the alternate ending to "Big"?

I wonder why nobody can find the original ending to that one. When I first saw it at the theater on the last day he wakes up, goes to the golf course, and tries to blow up the groundhog. I remember it clearly, but every time I see it on cable there’s some other ending.

The reason I believe that there is no alternate ending that people watched in Indonesia or Australia or the UK or the Canary Islands, is that it doesn’t make any sense. Why would they have an alternate ending, and make special prints of the movie, and only show the alternate version outside the US?

Thing is, they have the internet in Australia nowadays. New Zealand too. People have VCRs, they can fire up the VCR, point their phone at the screen, and post the video on Youtube. This is a thing nowadays. And so until you can show the video on a video site, I think the more likely explanation is that you watched another crappy movie with a similar plot, but it was so boring and stupid and crappy unmemorable compared to Big that you completely forgot about it and only remember the ending because you thought the ending happened in Big.

It is very easy to prove my theory wrong. Just post a link to a video of the alternate ending. We have a video clip of the ending from 14 going on 30 that exactly matches in every detail the scene that people claim they saw from Big. That is right here: Re: 14 going on 30 - PART-9 Final - YouTube. Watch that, it is the “alternate ending”. Except it isn’t from Big.

Now, it’s possible that there really is the exact same scene, except in Big. That could be true. If so, post a link. No one can do that. No one has the tape, even though it apparently plays in the UK and Australia and New Zealand and Indonesia every five minutes. Until someone can show me the clip, I won’t believe them. Future people of the future, when you resurrect this thread in the future, please include a link to the clip on some future video hosting service of the future or don’t bother to bump the thread.

On Elizabeth Perkin’s official website there is a description of her appearance on ABC’s The Chew, where she supposedly said the following:

I included the De Niro part because it’s weird.

Of course, if they did shoot an alternate ending, they wouldn’t have needed Perkins to be present.


The film was indeed shown on Christmas Day 2011 on Channel 4, at 5.20pm (listings here). So Channel 4 ought to know about this mystical “alternate ending”, right? Go on, get in touch with them. I bet they won’t. I remember watching the film that Christmas, too, and it had the same ending it’s always had, with the bright autumn leaves as Tom Hanks walks down the street and turns back into a kid in a big suit.

This is becoming one of the most frustrating threads in SDMB history.

Wait, no, that’s not the original ending. Didn’t TubaDiva step in and say “This is one of the most fascinating threads in SDMB history?”

:takes of hat and tips it to everyone:

I’m more stunned that I started a thread 6 years later on the same topic. My bad!

Oh, and for the final time:

The ending is definitely the one in 14 going on 30!


The biggest surprise I got out of this thread was that there was actually a movie called 14 Going on 30. I wonder if the Jennifer Garner movie makers knew this?

It’s not even in the conversation.

Why does .99999… = 1?

Plane on a treadmill

Monty Hall problem

OK, I’ll cop to an exaggeration. But the other topics are more interesting!

Really? I think it’s incredibly entertaining.

Actually, there **is **an alternate ending. It’s just not particularly different from the original. I don’t have my copy here, but there was a 1988 comic book adaptation, and it’s basically the same, somewhat simplified ending.

For more info:

You sure about that? Big, a movie made in 1988, was released on Betamax?

Nevermind. I see they went way beyond that date.

What happened to the alternate ending of this thread? I could swear when I first read this six years ago, we reached a consensus that we were just conflating memories, the ending was always the fadeout, and everybody had a good laugh about it. But maybe that was just in the Australian/New Zealand version of this board.

Must have been on Giraffe’s board. :smiley:

Don’t forget that there is an alternate thread on this topic…sadly, made by me as well.

I have never posted a comment in my life but some of you people are making me Mad! Just because you haven’t personally seen the other ending doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist or the poster must be thinking of a different movie.
I saw Big when it came out in the theatre and it had the ending where the girl becomes 13 and is introduced to his class at school.
When I first rented the movie on VHS, I almost went ballistic when it ended differently where the two boys were walking their bikes down the street.
Thank you.

Then show us evidence of it. You would think that if it actually existed someone would have footage of it, no, that would make it to the internet by now, given that all and sundry is available. Or that one of the actors/directors/scriptwriters, someone, would have mentioned it.

This thread is over 11 years old, and in all that time, no further actual evidence of it has been discovered. It seems far, far more likely that it’s a conflated memory. My own memory is similar to yours. If asked, I would have thought the ending was the “happy” one. I really don’t remember the fade-to-black ending. But the scene from the other movie posted here fits exactly with my memory, so I think I’m almost certain I’m just mixing two memories into one. Happens all the time.

Is this turning into the movie version of the “lost Thunderbird photo?”