Anyone else remember the alternate ending to "Big"?

Thanks. I didn’t realize that.

Apparently there is commentary on the extended cut DVD where the producers claim that no such alternate ending exists. If this is true, would this have any impact at all on your belief, 80’s Child(and others)?

In case no one has yet linked to it, a short Atlantic Monthly piece on why there were several films like Big which were released around the same time (and thus could mess with our memories).

Not that there aren’t exceptions. There are many cases of credits for actors whose work hit the cutting room floor - such as Flash Gordon and Emperor Ming in the end credits of A Christmas Story. But in general, if an actor doesn’t appear in a specific cut, you won’t see a credit for them even if they shot significant (deleted) scenes.

No one is spouting hate, but I think the fact you are realizing your memory is false is making you think that.

And I am the original questioner and listen to me: There is no alternate ending.

Ask the conspiracy theorist?

There can be only one.

This thread is kind of hilarious.

For what it’s worth, I’m reading Penny Marshall’s autobiography right now and she talks about filming the final scene in “Big” - you see Hanks then hear him walking and then cut back to the kid in an oversized suit, he walks away toward the house. That’s it.

The books is sort of fascinating, Marshall seems to know everyone in Hollywood. She was going to use Robert DeNiro for the movie because Hanks, Costner, and Quaid all passed on it initially but Fox didn’t want DeNiro for some reason.

[quote=“Mahaloth, post:108, topic:103864”]

:takes of hat and tips it to everyone:

I’m more stunned that I started a thread 6 years later on the same topic. My bad!

Oh, and for the final time:

The ending is definitely the one in 14 going on 30!


Mahaloth, this is a message from the Netherlands. Tonight i specially made an account for Straight Dope. Don’t let other people tell you your memory is mixed up. You saw what you saw. Just like a few other happy ones. BIG+.

My wife and i are huge fans of Big. The first time we took the time to watch the movie on TV in Holland, (with several comm brakes it’s really something), and watching Josh walking to his home and then ending credits, at that exact moment, we looked at eachother and said. What the heeey is this (in Dutch of course). What happened to the rest? Ever since we hope, just as tonight, that the TV broadcast is WITH this ending.

Now, all you memory wizzards. Tell me. ( or actually, don’t) How can two people, at the same time, have the “wrong” memory, even on two movie titles ( 13 or 14 going on 30) we never even knew the excistance off. And i looked them back and they didn’t ring a bell. THAT’s what memory does.

What really, really bothers me most. Was it perhaps on the European release of the VHS which i brought to the second hand store two weeks ago. :smack:

THE SEARCH GOES ON! And be honoust. Those who saw it, describe it in the very exact same way. And it was a lovely ending. We don’t make this up. We are the happy few.

As I said before, I have memory of that ending, too. But I don’t think it exists. I’m convinced it’s just a conflated memory. It makes no sense to me that in all these years, it hasn’t shown up and that people involved in the production of Big seem to deny it. But I would love to be proven wrong.

Similarly, I seem to recall a scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark where after Indy gets to the U-Boat, it begins to dive and he lashes himself to the periscope with his whip.

I can only suppose that one doesn’t exist either.

Argument by incredulity is a poor tactic and human memory is very notably unreliable.

It’s amazing how people can remember something that the actors, directors, and writers of the film don’t even remember.

Did you find the Straight Dope because you were researching the ending?

Hi. Yep. Inspired by the TV broadcast. I HAD to try it again. Via Google i found it.
Btw. I asked Administrator to change honoust in honest and to please put your post in the quote box. Because I don’t know how to do that.

I heart this thread.

It has become my most long-standing contribution to the Dope. I’m proud of it.

This thread is a lot like the scene from the movie where Ben Gazzara and Tom Hanks play a heartfelt game of Whack-a-Mole. I love that part.

Does anyone else remember the alternate ending to this thread? Where once somebody pointed out where the confusion came from everyone just said “Oh, OK.” and went on with their lives?

That’s how I remember it. It’s even there in post 115. We can’t both be making that up. What are the chances?

It was in the novelization and in the Marvel comic adaptation. There isn’t a deleted scene available, that I know of, but there are fragments and photos of them shooting it.