Anyone else think musquito welts are bigger now then three decades ago?

Several people have said it already, but it’s becoming one of my old fogey lines, so I’m taking the opportunity to repeat it. The older I get, the less mosquito bites itch. Yup.

I would just like to gloat that I do not get welts from mosquito bites. Thank you.

Just to hijack the thread slightly, it’s time for me to roll out my summer camp story…

Back when I was young, and was at summer camp, a handful of us and a couple of counselors went away from the camp and camped by the shores of a small lake. We had mosquito netting to sleep under, but somehow during the course of the night I managed to roll out from underneath it.

The next morning the counselors counted over 200 mosquito bites on me. The next couple of weeks were Not Fun At All.

Fortunately, I seem to have become less attractive to mosquitoes as I’ve gotten older.

We used to load up on vitamin B complex (one a day for two weeks) before going to Canada where the mosquitoes form platoons and you can hear them coming from across the lake at a certain time of day.

It seemed like those of us who took the vitamin B were less affected - the theory was we were more stinky to the little buggers who’d go looking for sweet meat instead. I’ve never had major problems with mosquitoes, but I also eat a diet that is naturally high in a variety of vitamin Bs.

I’ve been taking B complex for the last few summers and I hardly get bit at all anymore. I used to be an all-you-can-eat mosquito buffet. Of course this year with the drought there’s no skeeters because there’s no water.

When I do get bit I get huge golf-ball size welts that usually start oozing out the middle. I don’t remember getting the welts as a kid. I’ve also developed a grass allergy as I’ve gotten older so I have the feeling the two are connected.

I am MUCH more intolerant of mosquito bites at 44 than I was as a kid. To get one now means a welt the size of a quarter…and itches like a bitch for about 4-5 days…sucks!!Probably tied into the reason I have developed seasonal allergies in the last few years…except it is not seasonal per se…it is every friggin season!!!

There are also different types of mosquitoes. The tiger mosquitoes are everywhere since about six years or so.

Came in to say this. I don’t know about the situation in The Netherlands, but in many parts of the US we are dealing with a larger, more aggressive species of mosquito than those we may have encountered in childhood. Tiger mosquitoes are real bastards.