Anyone ever participated in a Guinness record attempt?

I’ve volunteered at the Royal International Air Tattoo which has the record for largest military air show.

It’s not a Guinness record (yet) but in the summer I attended the Women’s Football (soccer) London 2012 Olympic gold medal game at Wembley. It set an attendance record for women’s football with 80,203.

I was personally involved in this one:

It was the largest collection of boats tethered together. Lake Cumberland.

We might have also broken the record for largest percentage increase in ammonia in a contained body of water, but it wasn’t official.

Sort of. I went to a summer camp when I was a kid that was apparently staffed by juvenile delinquents. There were several events at the camp that are unbelievable, but probably the most dangerous was the attempt to break the Guinness World Record for “most children stuffed into a camp van.” Of course the counselors hadn’t contacted Guinness or anything. I was lucky enough to be one of the kids waiting on the outside to be stuffed into the van, so when people realized that the kids on the bottom layer were suffocating and started piling the kids back out, I was still outside watching.

I wasn’t dressed up, but I made the costume for someone in it, and I was there for, the CHaD Half Marathon breaking the record for most people dressed as superheroes in one place. That was 2009 and was broken by other folks soon after.

As I mentioned a couple days ago, I was a contestant on the record holder for the longest running TV quiz show which may or may not count in a highly tangential kind of way.

Are you saying that they “determined” the crowd at 5811, or that the Guinness people know that that is the exact count, and “determined” that they met the definition of “being in a snowball fight?”

Most people simultaneously drawing the same object on etch-a-sketches at the same time.

Reminds me of the South Park with the thousands of kids and their recorders.

I’m currently participating in the world’s oldest person competition. Should have the record in another 60 years or so.

The actual number of attendees was 5,988. 5,811 was the number after the spotters disqualified people for not throwing at least one snowball every 5 seconds or for aiming for the head.


I was in a snowball competition as well, in Wauconda, Il, in 2004. My son (9 at the time) was wild about being in the Guinness book, he studied and planned and plotted trying to come up with a plan. When the snowball fight was announced, in out home town no less, he was beside himself. IIRC, Wauconda did beat the record but it seems someone else beat our record before it could actually be put in the book. And my son is still a little bitter about it. I just don’t bring it up. :stuck_out_tongue: