Apostrophe abuse

I see this more and more, in more and more “official,” professional publications. One more thing we can blame on Bill Gates. Him, plus a healthy dose of ignorance, since the workaround is so mindlessly easy.

I’d say you’re right justified in making that decision. Those noun girls just hate being reminded that they’re just subjects.

Indeed. If left untreated it may require medical attention and possibly partial removal. Then all you’re left with is a semicolon.

And you know how they object to that.

It could be worse. It could be colon cancer.

Many years ago while visiting parents (suburban D.C.) I passed by a strip mall that was home to an establishment whose bright sign read “Physic Reading” and erupted into laughter. I agree, we can chalk it up to laziness. Occasional errors or poor typing ability are one thing; not bothering to learn about the very easy rules of punctuation is something else. Every year I notice a significant declination in my students’ abilities in the realm of basic abilities. (e.g. reading, writing, simple arithmetic) I wonder that they have the ability to develop better computer skills than I have but they can’t construct a simple sentence. Eventually they won’t be able to do anything- but damnit, none of these kids will be left behind! (They’ll all be together in the same sub-standard place…) :smiley:

That just means you’re not in the mood.

Years ago I was the editor of a small-town weekly newspaper. My replacement–a journalism major–came up with the following in a headline (a headline!) a couple weeks after my departure:


I think I wept.

There’s a commercial for the super-powered Nitro or something where the power-car gives the jalopy a jump in the stripmall parking lot and sends it rocketing skyward.

But in the background is a store sign that says


:confused: Now, shouldn’t that be BEACHES or BEACH’S or even BEACHS’ ?

Theodore Johnathon Robert. Whats’ the problem?

Seriously, people, stop ragging on apostrophe abuse. It make’s you look like a cun’t.

At my daughter’s dance studio they have compartments for leaving correspondence, labeled with the family names: The Smith’s, The Johnson’s, The Brown’s, etc.

No one else seems to have noticed.

I found this wonderful usage scrolling through Dave Black’s web site. It descibes the sixth picture down:

“Michelle Kwan falls during Ladie’s Olympic Final, Salt Lake, 2002.”

Besides the apostrophe abuse, wasn’t it called the Women’s Olympic Final?

Nice pictures, lousy copywriting.

This Christmas Eve, I spotted under a friend’s tree several presents wrapped in paper emblazoned with children frollicking in the snow and the phrase “Lot’s of Snow Fun!”

I’m beginning to think that we’re losing the war against apostrophe abuse and it fills my heart with woe.

Tense?? We’re way past tense, we’re living in bungalows now.


It looks like it is called the Ladies event. Thank you for not saying " Womens’ ". :slight_smile:

Ouch. That’s gotta yurt.