"Apprentice" finale, 4/15/04

Oh, please! Any maligning of that witch is of her own doing! But I agree that she is going to succeed. Her name may become a trademark for “lying, loafing and malingering.”

But nobody’s mentioned Mr. Omarosa! Wasn’t he cute. . . and normal??? Is he a person to be pitied?

He did seem pretty nice. Though when describing O, I recall him saying something like, any guy would want the woman I have or something along those lines. Sounded just a wee… defensive, dinnit? Like he’s used to having to justify marrying such a psycho.

I just thought of something – if it’s a live finale, theoretically, the producers don’t know who the winner is going to be, so they can’t skew (or screw with) our expectations throught editing.

Well, yeah, of course Trump’s going to give Burnett some kind of hint as to what he has in mind, but…

Yeah, but how does it benefit Omarosa to be a villain? She has already lost the chance at the job with Trump. She torpedoed her own image so badly that she is essentially unhireable on the most of the planet. I don’t think even Oprah will hire her. She might make some bucks on the interview show circuit, but the television viewing public is notoriously fickle and her fifteen minutes will end eventually. I don’t think she’s shrewd or competent enough to parlay her fame as a household name into her own tv show.

You have a point, but the big O is sliding into freak show territory, especially after last week. If Omarosa was really a powerful, clever villain, she might be able to pull it off. But she’s starting to give people the feeling that she’s just sad and delusional. If people hate her, she might have a shot, but if people start to pity her, she’s just a sort of really tall Gary Coleman.

The problem with the Maligned Strong Black Female card is that neither Blacks nor Females have any wish to elect Omarosa as their standard bearer. I bet she embarrasses Al Sharpton.

BTW, has Omarosa made an public appearences since last week’s show? I haven’t seen any statements by her (though I haven’t really looked, either). Is she keeping her head down, or what?

Of course, there’s also the possibility that she’s deliberately torpedoing Kwame out of pure, unadulterated vindicitiveness. No grand master plan, no Machiavellian scheming, just plain old cat-box nastiness for the sake of being nasty. It would certainly fit in with her history of playing mind games and stirring shit just to annoy people. We all know that she’s imcompetent and delusional, but I think she’s also just flat-out mean in the bargain.

And wasn’t it right after he said that that she tried to kiss him and (he was facing forward already) he moved his face away from her? It was subtle but it happened.

I don’t see Kwame beating Bill. One of the panel said something about Kwame being too easy-going and how that could be bad for some reason that I can’t remember. Trump replied, “You may be right about that.” I can’t see any way he can recover from the screw-up over the transportation. First of all, the guy tells him straight out that that’s how the success of an event would be judged. Then, he gives that task to Omarosa. Then doesn’t do anything about it and lets it get worse.

Bill has made a mistake on this task though. One of the things he has to cover is taking care of Trump at the golf event. Bill was in the boardroom when Amy got fired, right? He heard what they said about her, right? And he gives her the task of handling Trump? That should have gone to Nick. I don’t care for Nick much but given the choice between Amy, Katrena & Nick, he would have been it. It would have made Nick a happy team player instead of a sulking one, too.

Something’s wrong. I can’t imagine Troy screwing over Kwame unless he’s under orders to throw monkey wrenches in Kwame’s way.

And it’s Bill!

Anybody else feel that if Kwame had just FIRED Omarosa after she lied he’d have one?

Did anyone else see Trump shove Omorosa away from Bill when she was trying to hog the camera when all the candidates were congratulating Bill when he was hired?

I can now officially end my addiction to this show.

At least until next season. I’m such a tool.

Smart move on Sams part offering all he’s worth to work for Trump? If Trump excepts, I wonder what kind of job he would get.

First, I have to say, YAY BILL! He deserved that win. As usual, Trump’s reasoning was sound. I think he chose the harder job, but I don’t blame him for wanting to stay close to home. I hope we get updates on his progress.

Best part of the entire night, though, was when Trump gave Omarosa a bit of a spanking–he called her out on lying, and insinuated that she was a liar on a larger scale… then we pan over to Ereka, who more than gets her say. We know whose side The Donald is on. I loved it, and I’m sure everyone else did too.

Can I be the first to say that Trump is not dating that woman, whoever she is, for her brains?

Oh yeah. And The Donald really nailed Omorosa on her nasty habit of lying. I loved it when he pointedly singled out Ereka to respond to the charges about using the “n” word. It was subtle, no direct references, but as sharp as a razor. NOT a good man to cross. He might have politely wished Omorosa well in the future but he sure took a stand which side he’d be on in any lawsuit.
Did anybody else notice how Trump turned his back when Omorosa tried to hug him during the wrap-up melee?
Let’s face it, she sabotaged Kwame. I thought it was interesting, during the conference w/ George and Caroline, exactly how contemptuous they were of Omorosa. What a shallow, lazy glory hog.


Live interview with the Donald on the local news – he just said, in so many words, that Omarosa did in Kwame!


WTF was she talking about with that disingenuous “I don’t quite follow this, Mr. Trump: you’re hired, you’re fired, you’re hired, you’re fired…” Seriously, I do not understand what the hell she was referring to.

If Trump or NBC bring Omarosa back in any capacity next season, I won’t watch. Behavior like that shouldn’t be rewarded.

My wife said Kwame would win. I said Bill.
My reasoning was similar to Trump’s.
In a situation where one has to deal with an incompetant employee, you can’t afford to do nothing. If your afraid of confrontation your not the right person for the job.

How was Kwame supposed to know that he could of fired the Big O? Didn’t he say that he would have fired her, but he couldn’t? Odd that Trump would penalize him for something like that, when he had no idea that he could of fired her?

Yay Bill! I thought they were both great for the final two but even I have to admit that he did a much better job than Kwame for his final assigned task. If Kwame didn’t know about firing O-he could have asked. At that point, I probably would have. I don’t think the Trump Org. is really the place for him anyway-he seems like he would fit in better at a place like Accenture or a financial/management consultancy rather than a real estate empire.

O has probably not been commenting on stuff lately because she was sent a cease-and-desist letter by Mark Burnett & NBC (for the person who asked why she hasn’t been making statements about stuff lately)