April Foolishness Haggle. [Game in progress]

Withdraw All Open Meeko Offers.

Shouldn’t be any open offers, but just to clear things up before we offically start.

To be fair I’m a mafia addict as well. I just limit myself to one board, of course I’m not very good just addicted.

Hear me loud and clear Oredigger:

If you would like to bury the hatchet of “Dragon’s Hoard” and keep it in the past, I will agree to burying it.

That is to say, no undue prejudice towards each other because of the last Haggle game that frankly has NOTHING to do with this one.

I agree to start neutral towards you, and let this haggle game take off from there.

We both know that this might be short lived, but I think we can agree in principle to what I am offering here.

Huh… I posted before I left for work that I was interested in joining and the board seems to have eaten it (I don’t even see a thread where I made an embarrassing “sign me up!” mispost). If you’re still willing I’d like to join you and if not then my feelings will not be hurt.

As Meeko suggested, we’re in need of new blood, so I’ll add you to the roster and cap it there.

Official PMs are on their way out, please reply as soon as you can to confirm your interest.

Guys, and gals…I have to decline this round of Haggle. I sent a PM to chrisk.
Sorry, but ya’ll have fun without me!

Yes. This actually isn’t too bad - I have subbed Just Some Guy in for you, instead of having to work out his own portfolio. :slight_smile: Sorry it didn’t work out, and maybe things will be better circumstances next time.

To confirm:

Uncommon Sense Out:

Justsomeguy In.


Oredigger, Im still looking to bury the Dragon’s Hoard Hatchet…

Ya, ya, ya some of us like to sleep you know. But of course we can bury the hatchet. in your skull

But seriously I don’t hold a grudge; talking crap is half of the fun. By the way I confirmed my roll and can’t wait for the opening bell.

Sleep? There is no Sleep!

::Meeko kicks a hamster down a bottomless pit.::

but yeah, I woke up 30 minutes ago myself. Hoping I hadn’t missed anything.

Justsomeguy : I only found one post of yours.

Can you confirm, or deny?
::Meeko gets out his notebook:::

Confirmations received from:
Just Some Guy

Still waiting on:
Justin Credible

A few notices while we’re waiting:

Color: See the FAQ for examples of using green to issue offers, red to withdraw them, and blue to accept trades. I’d prefer that you use green again to re-issue an offer after it’s already been accepted.

When you trade for a rule held by somebody else, you either LOOK at the rule, or you BUY the rule. If you just looked at it, then you can’t trade that rule to someone else, whereas if you buy it, you can trade (looks or buys) to somebody else, but the person who sold it can’t trade that rule anymore - the seller loses the original of the rule.
If the phrasing of the offer is in any way vague, I will assume that LOOKS are meant.

And you can always choose to ‘sink’ or lose some of your trading counters before the scoring round starts, if you think that it will hurt your final score.


No Copies?

Secondhand / Hearsay information sales?

No, no copying rules, secondhand or hearsay this time around. :smiley:

MHaye has just confirmed.



Done and Done. **

Withdraw all Open Meeko Offers.

Ah yes, the “Did I really just waste an Hour in front of my screen waiting for updates?” feelings.

Yeah -It’s offically Haggle for me.

I think it’s official that you have a problem Meeko. I just saw a zombie that you dragged up from Chrisk’s past.

I think getting this game started quickly would be a good idea it might get Meeko off the ledge.

Didn’t we do this dance before? :eek:
Now I say::

Ah, yes, but then you have the same problem as well, otherwise, how else would you have known that I JUST posted?

Well, our last two players look like they might only get to the dope late this afternoon or evening.
I’m okay with doing kickoff before they check in. :slight_smile: