Are Aliens Visiting Earth?

Also as if air did not exist. Anything travelling at that hypersonic speed so low in the atmosphere would generate a massive sonic boom and shockwave.

Well, quite. An object moving that fast would produce a ionised trail, which could be detected by radar - just like a meteor. Wait - perhaps it was a meteor!

Meteor trails can be detected by radar, even when the meteor trail isn’t visible by Mk1 human eyeball. I’m surprised this possibility hasn’t been mentioned. It could explain at least part of this complex sighting.

you are basing your opinion on what humans ‘think’ they know … that’s a far cry from what humans actually ‘do’ know. not only that … our species continues to learn more about nature and the mechanics of our existence. who knows … perhaps 50 years from now … mankind will suddenly figure out how to clock fantastic speeds … and not marking their entrance with a audible sonic-boom or visual phenomena.

keeping an open mind has allowed humanity to travel to the moon and beyond … let’s not allow ourselves to be intimidated or manipulated by cover-ups and influencers.

imho … i believe extra-terrestrials have visited us in the past … are currently dropping in … and will continue keeping abreast of our metamorphosis. for humans to think they’re the ultimate in what nature has to offer … is pure, unadulterated, arrogance … and is also a large part of why we have not yet evolved further.

the only question being … will our planet survive this putrid species called “humanity”? maybe there’s some correlation between the appearance of covid-19’s … and mankind’s insistence on decimating what nature has bestowed upon us. think about it.

Small meteors do not reach sea level at hypersonic speeds. If it was going at that speed that low, you would see the crater on Google Maps.

It’s taking longer than we think…

We are still evolving. It’s a slow process, but we are taller, live longer, and are resistant to multiple illnesses. The difference that may influence our future evolution is that we can mould the environment to fit us, rather than adapting to the existing environment (one of the main drivers of evolution).

Also there is no evidence that extraterrestrials are visiting us, or responsible for the unidentified flying objects (or whatever is is they call them now). Consider astronomers and meteorologists, people who look at the sky for a living, never report seeing these phenomena. The reason may be because they know what they’re looking at.

Small meteors do not reach sea level at hypersonic speeds. If it was going at that speed that low, you would see the crater on Google Maps.

That’s why I’d like to see the actual data, rather than hear sixteen-year-old verbal recollections. The bit about reaching sea-level might be a mis-recollection, or a misinterpretation. But these events happened repeatedly over a period of weeks, and only one clip was filmed (which does not show anything of the sort) so there need not be any causal connection.

A largish meteor entering at the right angle could peneterate the atmosphere at hypersonic speeds to just above sea-level then explode, like the one at Chelyabinsk (which could have nearly reached the ground if it had been at a different angle). Meteor penetration roughly follows Newton’s law of Penetration, so they can penetrate a mass of atmosphere similar to the mass of the meteor itself.

But this would not explain the repeated detections of anomalous high-to-low incursions detected over this period; in fact I suspect that nothing solid could explain this, so these events were probably radar anomalies of some kind, anomalies that are now no longer a problem.

The govt is fed up with being blamed for its own shortcomings, and would like to blame aliens instead?

My reading of the DOD documents is that people keep asking for these films and since there is nothing classified, there is no reason not to accede to FOIA request for them. As far as their having no explanation for them, the defense department has better things to spend time an money on then tracking down every weird glitch that shows up on their radar once in a blue moon. Furthermore, they know that true believers aren’t going to accept any explanation they give anyway, so why bother. Better just to present the facts as they are and let the public do whatever they want with it.

Saying its aliens is a non-explanation. There is no evidence that its aliens it just also happens that there isn’t a lot of evidence that it is anything else. If we have to entertain the possibility that its angels, or demons, or fairies, or a miracle, or people from the future, or inter-dimensional travelers, or dark matter, or quantum mechanical instability, or a wormhole or a super powered mutant etc. etc.

I’ve been to many magic shows where the person on stage did things that I couldn’t explain. However, just because I couldn’t explain what he did didn’t mean that I jumped to the conclusion that he actually had magic powers. I just accepted that there was there was probably some mundane trick that he did, that I just hadn’t figured out .

Similarly just because we don’t know what it is doesn’t mean its aliens.

What could possibly lead you to the conclusion that we haven’t been thinking about it, some of us for longer than you’ve been alive?

I’ve looked at the entire history of UFO sightings, going well back before the flying saucer craze of the 1940s. (I did an ebook on the sightings in San Francisco in 1896, using contemporary newspaper accounts.)

Every set of sightings in every era has in common people who see stuff in the skies that they can’t immediately explain and then leap to a conclusion. When other experts look at the skimpy evidence and explain the findings they are ignored or berated. Nothing is ever produced that consists of material that can be studied with advanced tools, the way paleontologists can study fossils or the imprints left after the fossils themselves vanish.

All we have is a huge pile of nothingness and an equal heap of credulous belief to sit alongside it. Actual evidence of alien life would rock the scientific world; every true scientist would give an arm and a leg to study it. Yet decade after decade, the same thin porridge of intangibles and wisps are offered instead.

Our minds are wide open. But an open mind should not be confused with a garbage can.

And the shockwave from Chelyabinsk broke windows and set off car alarms miles away. Any pilots watching a similar meteor would likely have heard it and maybe felt it.

albino_manatee:"…our species continues to learn more about nature and the mechanics of our existence. who knows … perhaps 50 years from now … mankind will suddenly figure out how to clock fantastic speeds … and not marking their entrance with a audible sonic-boom or visual phenomena."

So extraterrestrials with these and other wonderful capabilities still can’t figure out how to monitor us without giving themselves away?

You’d think they could get all the data they want with a cloaking device-equipped orbiting satellite with all the latest alien surveillance and sampling devices. Why rile up the locals by zooming around at lower altitudes?

And they’ve supposedly been fooling around in UFOs since the 1940s or way earlier. They must be pretty dumb not to have figured out what they needed to know by now.

In the 50s, when one person in 100,000 was walking around with a loaded Kestone, we got about one UFO video a year. Now, nearly every Earthling can roll within 5 seconds on Wal-Mart Karens, we still get one UFO video a year. Explain the math.

Except the pilots were nowhere near the site when the radar traces came down from the stratosphere to sea level. They were vectored to the location afterwards, and saw something completely different. No-one has ever seen the phenomenon responsible for the descending traces, and I think that is because they were merely radar glitches of some sort.

Well, even if they were not nearby, instruments world-wide would notice something traveling at that speed that low.

Phil Plait is a great science writer specializing in astronomy, he writes the Bad Astronomy column on SYFY.

He discusses these videos and also debunks the alien visitation explanation, referencing Mick West’s videos as well, plus as an added bonus he also includes and xkcd cartoon:

This xkcd: Settled is pretty much all we need to know about aliens.

No, keeping an open mind did not allow us to travel to the moon. Science and engineering did not, not bullshit woo.

UFO skeptics do not, in my experience, think humans are the best the universe has to offer.
Rather we are aware of the size of the universe, and doubt that aliens would sneak around - in craft oddly matching ones shown in the latest movies and TV shows - to monitor our metamorphosis. Thinking we are so important that we’re worth traveling umpteen light years to visit is what I call arrogance.

We visit occasionally, but not as much as UFO buffs think. The Anthropological Service sent me here after I made a drunken pass at the V.P. of Snorfles.