Are there suddenly more sick people? Or, the Superflu on SDMB

Well, I knew my cats were fine (and I don’t know what to do if I have to leave here. I think they have to go with me - I can’t set them loose, since they’re declawed. Silly to worry about that with there being so much other death on the loose…but they’re a link to normal times for me.) I didn’t realize, but my neighbor’s dog (the obnoxious one that barks all the time) has been silent.

My power’s still on, but what happens if there’s no one around to man the nuclear plants? Those things do have some built in safety systems, right? I wonder if I should think about leaving before the power goes, just in case?

I stocked up on canned goods at the grocery this afternoon. Sure, there was still milk and frozen food in the cases, but something tells me not to buy too much of that. Guess it’s those worries about the power going off. I also grabbed several flashlights and a supply of batteries. I think being stuck in the complete dark - if there were no streetlights or anything - would send me over the edge. I’m creeped out all the time as it is, feeling like someone’s looking over my shoulder.

It’s Captian Cripps

I’m freaking out here in SC. The airport shut down yesterday. Has anyone noticed there just aren’t that many planes in the sky anymore? Come to think of it, the interstate isn’t as crowded as it usually is either…

I saw yesterday on FoxNew’s update on SUPERFLU 2004, that there have been over a million deaths since the start of this thing. I only heard that once and then the station went all fuzzy. Cable’s out now and I can’t watch TV anymore–which is probably a good thing.

The neighbors to the left of us just packed up and left yesterday. Kids, dog, and everything but the kitchen sink. Piled it all in the trunk of the car and tied what wouldn’t fit on to the top of the car. All of them were hacking and coughing, even the dog. Don’t know where they were headed but they sure were in a hurry.
Oh, and I’ve been having weird dreams too–cornfield, nice old lady on a porch. That’s kinda odd we are all having the same dream. Didn’t Cecil once do a column on mass hysteria? Maybe that’s what this is.

Somebody please help me! I cant get out of this place!

My name is Jeff Byers, i’m 11 years old, and i live in Dalhart, Texas.

my english teachr would be mad because i know i’m leaving out a lot of capitals and stuff, but it hurts too much to hold my left hand up to the keyboard after i messed up my shoulder falling down the stairs. i think its out of the socket.

anyway, my parents and sister and me were with a bunch of other people from dalhart who got put on buses by the army. The army guys said they had to get everybody out of town because of the flu.

i don’t know where they took my parents and my sister but they brought me to this place. its like sort of a hosptal or labratory or something but there wer army guys everywhere, even the doctors and nurses called each other captain and sarjent and stuff. its kind of like that place on Stargate where they keep the gate, and i think its underground, too, because i cant find any windows anywhere.

anyway they brought me here because i never have goten sick and they wanted to find out why.   nobody would tell me where anybody else from dalhart was, so i figure they must be sick and maybe dead.   most of the army people and doctors here were sick, too.  they took blood samples and stuff from me and gave me some shots, but they wouldnt tell me what any of it was for.

so i woke up a while ago and nobody ever came to do anything, even when i pushed the nurse button about a million times, so i just beat on the door with my chair until it broke, and when i looked around i saw that everybody was dead.   people lying on the floor, people sitting at desks, people in the lunchroom with their faces in their food.   it was pretty gross.

i cant get out because when i found the door, it turns out its a big steel door like in a bank vault with some kind of fancy computer lock, and i dont know the password or whatever. i dont think i can break this one with a chair, ha ha. i don’t see any other doors, and like i said theres no windows.

anyway i found this computer in an office, where the guy who used to work here had all his passwords and stuff on yellow sticky notes in the drawer, so i could get on the internet. this site was one of this bookmarks, and he had a yellow sticky note for this too, so here i am!

 If anybody knows how to open a computer lock in a secret army undrground hospital, please tell me how!!

or if you can come get me out, im still probably somewhere in Texas. we rode on the bus for like 3 hours, but the army put covers on the windows so i couldnt see any road signs or anything.
Dalhart is just north of Amarillo, if you know where that is. maybe somebody out there knows where the underground army hospitals are if you drive 3 hours from Dalhart? can you come and get me out of here???

Please help!!!

Jeff Byers, 11, from Dalhart, Texas

I went to the hospital again, looking for my husband and in-laws. I couldn’t even get in the door - it was blocked by military guys. They were turning everyone away, even sick people.
I did leave my car (8-year-old station wagon) there, and took my husband’s truck (2-year-old pick-up, with 4WD) back home. I just have a feeling I’ll be better off with that, over my car.

My kids - what can I do? My son is much worse, barely even conscious. My daughter seems somewhat better. She got up and had some chicken noodle soup. She tried watching TV, but the cable’s out now. I hooked up the old antenna, and can only get the CBS affiliate. They’re showing reruns of Everybody Loves Raymond and King of Queens.

I stopped at the store and got some canned food, granola bars, bottled water and a ton of C and D batteries. I also got a couple big bottles of Advil, some bandages, hydrogen peroxide, Neosporin, and some other basic first-aid things. No one else was buying that stuff. I like to think ahead and be prepared.

I have plenty of flashlights and a couple of battery-powered lanterns. I also went to the sporting goods store and got a dozen small bottles of propane. I can use them for the propane lantern and the propane stove. First thing in the morning, I’m getting the camping gear down from the attic.

OK, major warning: DO NOT TRY TO GO TO NYC. I could not get to my father and my brother, which is freaking me out. Are they dead? I cannot get a phone to ring at all in 718 or 212. Has anyone heard anything from NY lately? Dammit!

So you guys know, every access route I tried is blocked-- the tunnels, the bridges, full of cars. Some of them… have dead people in them, and you know it’s been warm lately. I ran into a couple of other people trying to get in. One guy’s wife and 3 kids were in Queens, so he went through the Lincoln Tunnel on foot. I could have gone with him but I was just too scared and freaked out. A woman and her kid also decided not to go in; they were actually going to Boulder, CO. The kid was very adamant that they should, and the mom, Kelly, said she had no other, better ideas.

It’s funny the kid would say Boulder, because I’ve been thinking about Colorado quite a bit lately. Though tempted, I couldn’t go with them because I have to get my cats. Thank god this disease isn’t affecting the cats. I think I’m going to get my hands on a Winnebago and load up the cats. First I’ll do a thorough check to see if anyone I know around here is well enough to go with me. Any of you guys in the Northeast and want to find out what the hell is going on out West? Don’t know how I’ll get a hold of you guys once I hit the road. I’m ready to max out my credit card to buy a laptop I can access from the 'Bago (though the way things are going, will there be anyone at the computer store to run my card to the machine? Did you guys weigh in on the thread in Great Debates about the ethics of looting?). Can anyone recommend?

I’ve been watching this thread for a while, waiting for the New Zealand media to pick up on it. With the exception of the uni paper they haven’t made much mention of it. Wierd. The Ministry of Health is going on a huge flu vaccination drive. Aparently it’s free - might go check it out at tomorrow - there’s mobile clinics everywhere.

Listening to the reports coming in about how quickly this is spreading makes me glad to be so isolated, but the ‘no flights in or out’ policy is doing to be a pain if it last’s much longer - I was meant to heading over to Australia in a month - hopefully it’l be over by then. It’s driving my mum nuts tho’ - her sister is stuck in Tokyo, and Air New zealand isn’t letting her know when they’re resuming flights.

[time out]Vlad, that was a wonderful post about the 11 year old boy. Very chilling![/time out]

Okay, the Jeff kid is a joke, right? Can we get a mod to ban the troll? There’s no reason to frighten people. I’m sure there’s a reasonable explanation for all this.

You guys have talked so much about the old lady I dreamed about her last night! She’s not in Boulder yet, though…she’s in the mid West, Kansas or Nebraska? Her front porch is up on jacks, and there’s a tire swing in her front yard. She still cooks from scratch…she’s over 100.

This is nuts…we can’t all be having the same dream? Besides, I had another one…more of a nightmare. It was very cold, and a man with a denim jacket and cowboy boots was beckoning me.

We still seem to have power, but Dish is going in and out. The news channels are hopeless, and I didn’t get my Sunday paper. I called to request a redelivery, but there was no answer.

WDBO seems to be broadcasting still, the news anchors don’t sound sick. I’m going to try and listen, maybe even call in, and see what’s happening.

NYC checking in. I hope this post goes through, the cable’s been spotty. I’m on the corner of West 12 and 5th Ave, and from what I can see from my fifth floor window the streets are completely gridlocked. Whoever said to stay away from New York was right.

I’m sorry if this post in a little incoherent. This is fucking crazy and I’m freaking out a little. I’m so glad I found this message board.

Last week there were a million people on the street. Car horns blaring, people shouting, sirens wailing. Heh, not much different than normal, I guess. My boss called me and told me to stay home on Monday…she was sick and I think she said something about her husband passing away. It sounded like she said he was dead in bed but at the time I thought I’d heard her wrong. Since when does a guy in his late twenties just die in bed, right? Heh! I’ve been sitting here at the windows since the cable became unreliable. I tried to watch TV, but all the news channels went off the air about 2 days ago and all I can find are sitcom reruns and test patterns. The radio stations here in town are also unreliable, but the other night I heard a person just talking. He didn’t sound like a DJ either. He said that he was going to be leaving the city Thursday morning and if anyone could hear him they should meet him at the Lincoln Tunnel entrance at 9 am. Obviously, I didn’t go. I’m ashamed to admit it, but I’m scared to leave.

My building seems to be empty. I haven’t heard my neighbors in days. Not even the ones with the baby. There’s been a cop car in front of the building for three days now. That’s not the worst thing though. The worst thing is that there seems to be a dead guy on the sidewalk across the street. Just laying there in front of the candy store. I’m pretty sure it’s a real dead guy, but there’s no way I’m going out there for a closer look. What the fuck has happened that there is a dead guy in the street for days and no one has come to take him away?

This morning I went up to the roof. Going up there was the worst idea I’ve had in a long time. My curiousity had gotten the better of me, and I wanted to see what was happening on the other side of the Ave, but I was still too scared to go downstairs. When I got up there, I saw something that made my heart drop. I guess I knew it was bad, deep down, but I’ve been trying to deny it. When I went up to the roof I saw that the Empire State Building was on fire. There it was, burning away, no one trying to put it out. What has the world come to? Isn’t there anyone left to put it out? I certainly can’t do it.

I think I’m going up there again tomorrow. I want to see if the fire’s out yet. I doubt it will be. I’m going to bring my parakeet up there and set her free. Hopefully she’ll be able to get off this island and fend for herself.

I think I’ll try to fly away too.

I’m sure they can’t run forever unnattended. Just a WAG as to how long it would take.

Dear mom,

I’m pretty sure I’ve got the email window here, and if I don’t, well, screw it, because the mouse is really heavy right now and it’s not like you’re going to get a chance to read this, anyway. The power has to be out in Michigan – I think dad called me from the plant the other night, but I couldn’t be sure with the static. I think he said they’d SCRAMed, but the phone cut out. Anyway, if Fermi’s out, then you’re out, too.

Seven hells, but you’d laugh at this. You always said I spent too much time in front of the computer, and now I’m f-ing dying, but I’m still typing. The chills and fevers are kind of coming in waves now; I figure I have a while before I start shaking too much to handle the keyboard again. I thought I was going to be okay, but I watched this happen to John across the hall and Marcus and Gina down on the third floor. They went yesterday; I’m just hitting the crisis later than they did.

Tom’s still getting things done at work, though. Type-A personality, like I always said. I don’t know who the hell is there to keep the presses running, but there’s a copy of our stupid little newspaper on my doormat. Four pages, all about the flu. Who the hell delivered this? Who the hell cares? Good thing the National Guard took off this morning – they were all headed for I-80. I guess they need them in New York more than they need them here – or Tom would be toast for writing this stuff. First news we’ve had for a while.

Mommy, I’m scared. I know I’m all grown up and living alone, just me and the cat (and who’s going to feed her once the Captain’s done with me?), but I want my mommy. i don’t want to be alone for this, but it’s just me and I’m scared so bad.

Fuck, it’s so hot in here. My own throat is going to drown me. I’m just going to hit send and then wait, because I’m getting too tired to check my grammer (So you know I must be sick, har har!) and I’m ready to just get on with it and I love you so much mom.

Well, some of us are net addicted to the point we’d die in front of the screen! Anyone care if I come back as another “character” later on? If it doesn’t matter, I’ll find a place to jump in eventually.

I found someone else in town who was still around. His name is Toby, and I found him digging a grave. He’s in his 40’s, used to work for the university as a computer tech, and he was burying his wife. I guess their kid died earlier in the week. It seemed like therapy, the grave digging I mean, and I wish I could have done that honor for my dad and brother, who I have to assume are dead now. I couldn’t really help Toby much with his task, except I think he liked having some company. He’s got me hooked up with this laptop so I can stay in touch with you guys. We’re going to head out soon in the 'Bago with the cats. Toby is going to ride his motorcycle. The worry is that we’ll hit roads that are too clogged with cars to get through with the 'Bago, but we’ll burn that bridge when we come to it. Anyone else on the road know a route that’s clear out West?

Whoever said Nebraska about where the lady of our dreams is I think is right, but Toby heard something on the Internet (he’s into a lot more message boards than I am) that she’s not there anymore and to go to Boulder. I guess her name is Abigail. Doesn’t that sound right to you guys?

Funniest thing. I cant stop coughing, I’ve got the cold sweats, and I’m shaking, but I still keep thinking that i’ve gotta get on the dope just to say goodbye. alias and [bHarborwolf** are gone. So’s their daughter. awful to see. I didn’t think the captain was going to get me, but looks like i was wrong… I thought abot medicine, but ther’s no point now… everything’s closed here and there’s no way I can drive… I just keep thinking of ts eliot, you know? “This is the way the world ends. This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but a whimper.” It’s been a good ride, guys, but I’m gonna lie down now. pray for me.

Husband very sick. He keeps coughing and when he dies (I no longer beleive he’s going to get over it), I’m going to lose my fucking mind. It’s already almost gone. It’s very hot here. Very, very, very hot. Like the hottest month on record (I’m guessing. The news hasn’t been on for a few days now.) And it stinks. And this morning, there was fucking army convoy rolling down Foothill. WTF?! I ran outside to see what was going on, and there wasn’t anybody else on the streets.

Gotta go, he’s calling for me.

I think I’m the only person moving around my apartment building. It’s been an awful day - normally I can hear the people who come in and clean the common areas on Sunday afternoons, but they haven’t been around at all. Just to make it seem like a normal day, I did laundry this morning. Laundry! It’s moments like that when I really think I’m losing it - I must have washed every item in my apartment that was remotely dirty.

I’ve got to get out of here. I never made it to Chattanooga, but I haven’t heard from any family members in a couple of days…when I tried to take hwy 11 south from here, it was blocked off. Both parents and brothers were sick last time I heard…I’m afraid things might not be good.

I think I’m heading west. If there’s no one on the roads, I might pick up a bigger vehicle on the way - there’s no way I’ll be able to use my car if I have to go off road to get around blockages. I may toss a couple of bikes (the regular kind) in the back when I see a shop. I always meant to learn how to ride a bike…guess it’s as good a time as any. I’ll load it up with whatever supplies I can. I think I’m headed towards Nebraska, but I don’t know whether what I’m looking for is still there.

I’ll don’t know whether I’ll be able to connect at all once I’m on the roads, although if the power’s on in places, maybe my wireless connection will still occasionally work. I’m willing to meet up with folks if anyone wants to try to find each other - it’s’ kind of scary to be a woman alone with all this going on. Call my cell phone if you can get through - (123)555-1212…somehow a Doper feels safer than random meetings.

I’ve had a lot of time to think (husband is sleeping now but he doesn’t sound good)…anyway…if this is some sort of…I don’t know…plague…do you think it’s somehow linked to terrorist organizations? We hear in the news constantly that they have biological weapons…

I thought it might be Al Qaeda, too, but I’m not getting any news, so maybe we will never know.

look!, I’m so sorry you’re sick. I would tell you to take care of yourself, but it doesn’t sound like that would do any good. :frowning:

I have some gas in my car, so I’m going to load up and head out of Orlando and head west. I’m going to stop by the grocery store, and although I don’t want to steal anything, I don’t think it makes a difference at this point. I’ll see if I can pick up a laptop with a wireless card and post from the road.

If anyone wants to meet up at the turnpike at Hwy 50 in Clermont in two days, I’ll wait around for a bit.

I can’t believe this is happening.

Yes, it’s quite theraputic. My son died Saturday night, and even though she seemed to be getting better, my daughter died shortly after he did. She had gotten up and had some soup, then said she wanted to go lay down. I went and checked on her about an hour later and she was just… gone.
I spent all day yesterday digging a common grave for them in the back yard. :frowning:
At least I know where they are - my husband took my in-laws to the hospital a few days a ago, and I never heard from him again. He was sick, too, but didn’t seem that bad. Some of the things I’ve heard say this thing has a 100% mortality rate, so I can only assume the worst.

I’m heading out, too. I’ve got my husband’s laptop from work, and I’ve loaded an old AOL email account onto it. Oddly enough, that’s still up and running… who’da thunk it?

Lsura, you made a good point. I’m trying to travel as light as possible, but now I think I’ll throw my bicycle in the back of the truck. You never know.
I’ve got my husband’s guns, too. I’m not much of a shot, and one is a hunting rifle, but I feel better with them. I’ve got the camping gear out, and I need to sort it out a bit before I go. I have the tent, a propane stove, plenty of propane, tarps, first-aid supplies, and the sleeping bags.

I’m heading out of Baltimore this afternoon, heading west on I-70. I guess I’ll head towards Colorado. I was thinking Nebraska or Iowa, because I keep dreaming about cornfields, but since so many others have mentioned Boulder, I think I’ll go there, too. I don’t know exactly how to get there, but I printed out a bunch of maps from MapQuest. I’ll find my way.
My cell number is (123)-555-1234. Any Dopers along the way in need of a ride, feel free to call. I have four sleeping bags, and I’m taking all of them.

I have my son’s teddy bear blankie and my daughter’s ancient teddy bear to take with me, plus a handful of photos. I’m wearing my husband’s favorite sweatshirt, too.

Husband died this morning.

I have no place bury him. Though some people are using the park behind my house.

I don’t know what I’m going to do. I think I’ll stay here as long as the power and food lasts.

[time out]I just have to say, those of you who have killed off your family…jeez. You are braver than I am. I can’t bring myself to do that, so hence, in this universe, I am a single lady[/time out]