Are tumors edible?

As mentioned, I don’t know what kind of bacon you’re eating, but bacon is usually belly. (There are also back bacons and jowl bacons. I’m unaware of any ass bacons.)

Rennet is an enzyme, not a stomach acid. And a lot (most?) cheese is not fermented.

Commercial eggs are generally unfertilized and, hence, not embryos.


And a freakin’ pedant rings in. You just HAD to go and destroy my illusions, didn’t you. Now what are we going to do with the nuclear waste? Hmmm? Shall we put it into your breakfast pancakes? MMMMM, Nuclear syrup…

It would keep breakfast hotter longer!

When I used to cut meat, the flank was the abdominal muscles - the analogous human muscle(s) would be the proverbial 6 pack. Skirt steak - now that’s your diaphragm.

When I used to cut tumors, we would get big tumors of the sort mentioned in the story on a fairly regular basis - but nowhere near that big of course. From the description of “growing in the womb” and “malignant” I would assume it’s probably a leiomyosarcoma, which is a tumor of muscle, smooth muscle. The benign counterpart, leiomyoma or fibroid, is probably the most common benign tumor of humans, and they can be quite large as well, and numerous within a single uterus. As I was cutting these tumors and daydreaming back on my meat cutting days, I would sometimes wonder if those things were edible, or could be made palatable. But then I would stop myself.

Another thing I’ve wondered about is if meat cutters or butchers ever come across skeletal muscle tumors in cattle. So many cattle are slaughtered, it must happen. Then what do they do? And becuase so many cattle are slaughtered, an occasional tumor must slip through and make it to market. I’ve never seen one. Not that I knowof. But I’m keeping my eyes peeled.

Mmmmm… Tumor mornay!

Ovary tumors… MMM, caviar… Oh, wait, I don’t like caviar… Beluga fish ovaries… eeeew, yuck… I don’t think the OP actually addresses the question of food. Could we talk about cheese, or something, I’m kinda getting nauseated on the tumor subject… :smiley:

They’re neatly encapsulated hens’ periods!

Dear Fuzzypickles, have you ever really seen a tumor? Cut it down the center? Can’t mistake that for meat.

I’ve got a little story for ya. As a tech in an animal ER, I’ve seen a few tumors in my time. Usually late-stage, because, you see, people don’t seem to think that lump or dangling thing is that big of a deal - until, that is, the tumor bursts and starts to bleed everywhere. Or until the cat or dog who has it decides to chew it off - and it’s bleeding everywhere!

We had a beagle in not that long ago. He had a large tumor dangling - swinging - on a stem, and hanging from his abdomen. It swung low enough that he could get a hold of it, so he ate a mouth-shaped crescent out of it. :eek:

I said he was carrying his own “Lunchable”, no refrigeration needed.

Now, where’s that barfey smilie again?

Sorry!. I meant to say skirt steak.


You ever regret opening a thread?

I do, sometimes.

I don’t really know if I needed to read that.

Where’s Leonard Betts when you need him?

And people ask me why I’m a vegetarian.

Huitlacocheis an edible tumor that develops on corn ears when the plant is infected by corn smut.

I’ve seen corn smut on the internet. creamed corn smut to be exact :blech:

USA is belly bacon. other places use sides and back.

And people ask me why I’m a carnivore.

Mr. Dibbler ? Is that you ?

You’re lucky, at least you don’t have to live with a brain that comes up with these questions. :cool:

And I could’ve sworn that bacon came from a pig’s ass…my bad. Well, there’s always rump roast…

Quick tip: If, while dining on an egg McMuffin (or similar) you are approached by a militant vegan who feels the need to inform you that “you’re eating chicken period, you know”, do not reply “OM NOM NOM chicken period” and messily stuff it in your mouth.
You will find yourself no longer welcome in that branch of McDonalds.