Are we seeing a break between Palin and McCain?

It’s about time.

Severe concussions should be treated immediately.


New information from Palin in her interview with Brian Williams. They are trying to distance themselves from Bush, and she tells us that McCain is…wait for it…known as a maverick who has gone against his own party.

And he has the scars to prove it.

Wait, they’re saying McCain is a maverick? NO kidding! WOW. And here I just thought he was a Bush clone!

I guess I’d better change my support from Obama the Terrorist to McCain the Maverick!

Oh, wait, I already voted.


I realize now that she only accepted the VP nomination because it gave her the opportunity to get the hell out of Alaska. No way is she returning to that frozen tundra after spending two months in the lower 48. Hello, Miami!

No more than we’re seeing the break between Obama and Biden. It’s just that McCain/Palin gets about 100x more scrutiny around here than Obama/Biden does.

If you vote for Obama, you hate children.

You don’t hate children, do you?

Palin has a loud and rabid following. They scream in agreement with everything she says. They do not treat McCain with the same love, because he is just not crazy enough for them. In campaigns 'the speakers seem to forget they are talking just to followers. They actually begin to believe everybody loves them as much as the people at their rallies. It is intoxicating and untrue. I suspect Palin thinks she is rallying a huge and formidable base . She does not need McCain dragging her or her fans down.


And more.

Yeah, she is delusional about her national future. Pandering to Iowa is the usual way. But then again the GOP will have so little to coalesce around that her core of rabid righters may win her a few early primaries …

Support for Ethanol and she’s trying to claim that energy is one of the things she actually knows about?

Pretty much how I see it. She appears to be splitting from McC, probably having nothing to do with policy but rather to avail of that American phenom "famous for being famous" which parlays into great wealth without need for accomplishment. She may stay in politics but has too limited appeal for another shot at the Big One.

If this could somehow mean an actual split in the republican party, I would do a happy dance. Let’s see the Moderates form a “Party of Moderation”, get McCain, Chaffee, and all of the moderate spending dems (Lieberman) together.

I could actually get behind this. Anything to diminish the ridiculous hold that the religious wrong has on our politics.

That and a new Caribou Barbie wardrobe.

Palin may be getting worried that she’s going to be the fallguy if McCain loses. The Republican leadership isn’t going to want to blame themselves or McCain.

She should be that is exactly what they are going to do. And to some degree they would be at least partially right.

Palin’s not the problem. The problem is that McCain has no philosophy or plan beyond being a ‘Maverick’. So he’s been all over the map, throwing out ideas left and right, and generally having an incoherent message. He blew it badly in his response to the financial crisis, when he ran around frantically tossing out ‘plans’, suspending his campaign, and in general looking non-Presidential and a little freaked out. In the meantime, Obama stayed cool. I think that was the really turning point - until then, McCain still owned the ‘stability/age/experience’ argument. After that week, Obama looked more composed and thoughtful than McCain did, and McCain lost the only edge he had.

I also agree with Palin that she was used poorly. She knows where her strength is, and it’s out mixing it up, talking to local reporters, campaigning on the ground, and being herself. McCain’s people squirreled her away, built up all this expectation, and then put all their eggs in the basked of a couple of high profile interviews that neutralized her strengths (her personality, her drive, her charisma), and emphasized her weaknesses (her knowledge of policy). It was stupid.

Every time Palin has gone out and done things her own way, it’s worked. She knocked her nomination speech out of the park. She did fine in the debate. She draws 20,000 people to her campaign stops. She did fine on SNL. In the past week, she’s intentionally avoided her Campaign handlers and ‘gone off the reservation’ to give interviews against their wishes, and she has yet to make a major gaffe, and in fact has turned some press people, if not to her side, then at least away from abject hostility.

So she has a point.

Not really.

And you know she wrote it , and McCain’s people didn’t even touch it up a bit? How do you know this? The opposite is what I’ve heard, and what seems only logical to me.

Puh-lease. Biden kicked her cute little ass, in a very respectful and dignified way, of course.

She did? She was a stick, who hardly did a thing. People do tune in to gawk at her, but that doesn’t mean she pleased them. SNL was a total bust for her.

Who are these press people you speak of? No one I’ve heard has made any such claims. Sarah “Has Yet To Make a Major Gaffe in Almost a Full Week” Palin has a head full of coarse-ground buckwheat, so I wonder how she can give an interview and not reveal her vapidity and storehouse of cliched talking points at every turn. You’ve bought a pig in a poke, Sam, and her lipstick is wearing off.

Where did I say she wrote the speech? The speech was already written, but had to be substantially re-written when she was picked, and my understanding is that she spent many hours with the speechwriter working on it. It was a joint effort. This is standard for politicians. Regardless, the delivery was amazing, and that’s no simple thing. By all accounts except those of the left on the SDMB, she delivered one of the best speeches in decades.

So you say. Not everyone agrees with you. I didn’t say she ‘won’, by the way. I said she did fine. And she did.

No it was not. Her approval rating when up significantly after she did SNL. And you ignored the part where she’s drawing bigger crowds than everyone else except Obama - by a wide margin. She’s drawing two to five times as many people as McCain is. And Biden’s not even on the radar screen. He drew 700 people in Ohio, and Palin drew over 10,000 in New Mexico.

I know you hate her, but Palin is clearly a very attractive candidate to a lot of people. She’s second only to Obama in star power in American politics today.

CBS News:

Having more people dislike you than like you isn’t really the usual definition of “popular” Sam. That the people who like her really like her doesn’t change that.

“Best speech in decades”? Thanks for the laugh.