Are you a "successful" sports fan?

:confused: :confused: :confused:

How does one make this change? Is it like switching from a Hatfield to a McCoy?

It helped that I went to undergrad school in western Pennsylvania. You cross the state line and, WRT sports, you’re in a whole 'nother country.

I just came back to this thread to say how amused I am that I’m still the only person who has copped to being a Raiders fan. :slight_smile:

Actually, the trick in New England is to switch sports every couple of years. I can’t recall a time when all four of the major sports had a total write-off of a season.

And while it would be unseemly to complain, it bugs me that the New England Revolution have made it to the finals four out of the last six years, without once having won. At least this year they won the U.S. Open Cup.

To me a successful season is one in which my home team stays in contention until near the end of the season. Playoffs would be nice ,but some very good teams do not make it.
By that std. the Detroit Lions suck.
The Detroit Tigers have built a very good team.
The Red Wings are on top.
The Pistons are in first and will stay there.
University of Michigan has been successful for many years.
All in all ,not bad.

I’m a native San Franciscan. As a kid I was a pretty damned successful football fan. That was fun, but getting hard to remember.

But I’m much more of a baseball fan than football, and…well, let’s just say I hate it when the Giants make me cry. I feel so foolish crying over a stupid baseball team.

In 2005 I was in Chicago and jumped on the White Sox bandwagon early (like, in May or June) and was thrilled when they won the Series. Not thrilled like the lifelong fans, but it was fun living vicariously through them. I went to the tickertape parade and everything (a total blast, even though my coworkers couldn’t believe I took the day off work to attend the victory parade of a team I’m not even really a fan of).

I told people I would go back to the US to attend the victory parade if the Giants won the World Series while I was in Bulgaria. Hahaha.

Born and raised near Buffalo.

The four Superbowls in a row for the Bills were fun as has the Sabres in the finals for the Stanley Cup, but never quite winning it all.


My only bright note is the early 90’s following the Blue Jays an hour and a half north from me.

haven’t been online for a few days, but the 2008 iihfwj gold can now be added to my list.

a little more adversity this year, as we didn’t get the bye… then with the swedes coming back in the third… again… but when halischuk buried the golden goal in o.t, oh how sweet it was!