Are you normal?

Normality is just way too normal a shade of abnormal for me.

BTW, flikker – that’s one heck of a long sig!

No, I am a freak. A super-freak. I’m super-freaky.

The older I get, though, the more tired I am of not being the type you take home to mother . . .

Yeah, those were probably Isadora’s last thoughts as her scarf got caught in the wheel.

Er… yeah, me. And everyone I know. But I have a fairly broad definition of “normal”. (Hey, it’s ALL good.)

  1. Yes.
  2. Yes.
  3. I am what I am.

[sub][sup]Does that last part make me sound like Popeye?[/sub][/sup]

You’re lucky I have such a broad definition. :slight_smile:

  1. Yes. I have my quirks and oddities, but I’m normal none the less.
  2. Yes. And no. It depends on who you ask. People who find out that I hang out here and consider my fellow Dopers as my friends, sometimes tell me I’m wierd.
  3. I am who I am. I don’t want to change that too much.

one) No, I am not normal.
two) People who don’t know me very well think I’m normal.
three) I like me just the way I am. Or at least that what the voices tell me.

There is no such thing as normal. Having said that,
1.) No, I’m not normal.
2.) No, my friends think I’m from another planet.
3.) No, I don’t want to be more normal. I like myself just fine as I am. Why would I want to be something that I don’t think exists?

  1. Not really, but more of late
  2. Nope.
  3. You know how y=secX goes to both extremes but never touches the axes? My answer [Do I Want to] looks a bit like that.
  1. I dress “normal” and I look “normal” I suppose; but I don’t believe I am. I don’t think my day-to-day thoughts and feelings are the norm.

  2. Anyone who’s heard me talking may not think so…but I think the majority considers me semi-normal.

  3. I wish I was more of a “free spirit.” More open with expressing mu not-so-mainstream views.

and sometimes “mu” is translated as “my”…but only sometimes…

  1. I’m abnormal but quite regular.

  2. My friends consider me normal (relatively speaking). They also consider me a weird, sarcastic asshole whose lifestyle they envy (or so they tell me anyway. I think they’re lying.)

  3. If I were any more normal, I’d be outlawed under the Geneva Convention (or was that SALT? I can never keep those straight.)