Ask the pornographer

I’ve been wondering this for a long time: Why, oh why, do female models never seem to take their shoes off? So many times you see chicks (I’m a chick, I’m allowed to say chicks) totally naked, except for a dangerous-looking pair of stiletto heels, or even socks and tennis shoes … why? D’they all have ugly feet or what?

(I keep waiting for someone to lose an eye to one of those heels …)

I’ve been wondering this for a long time: Why, oh why, do female models never seem to take their shoes off? So many times you see chicks (I’m a chick, I’m allowed to say chicks) totally naked, except for a dangerous-looking pair of stiletto heels, or even socks and tennis shoes … why? D’they all have ugly feet or what?

(I keep waiting for someone to lose an eye to one of those heels …)

ACK! I only pushed the button once! Doublepost bad! :frowning:

Its supposed to be sexy , a lot of people have a fetish for women making love with boots or heels on

Byn ow its probably a industry standard

Well, let me ask a question to add to the ones here at the end.

Do you have any feedback that says that men (or gay women, like myself) are interested in the least bit in the HUGE, silly, platform-soled high heels? I mean, there’s certainly something to be said for 4-inch heels and a slinky nightie…but jeeze Louise, the hideous 6-inch heels with the 3-inch platform on the bottoms just makes my stomach roil. I’m assuming that the only reason these atrocities of footwear are so prevelant is that there is positive feedback that says that people like to see them, true? :confused:

And what about the socks? Two beautiful women, sharing some tender passion, nude but for their white Wal-Mart socks. Is this some sort of fetish too? Because if so, it must be very prevelant, since I see so much of it. :confused:

Do you get to shag any of the girls after the shoots?

I was actually thinking of you being on the other end of the affiliate program, where people would place your banners on their sites, sending traffic your way. You wouldn’t put a single banner on your site, just earn the rewards of the increased revenue the additional traffic would generate. And of course, share some of that revenue with those who helped you create it. Lots of the biggest sites are doing it, like and ScoreLand. I would think that smaller sites with less market share could benefit even more from spreading the word.



I am select about it, it really depends on the person. I am not one to care much about what other people think of me, so I tend to power ahead and say what I think, often to my own detriment.

However, there are situations when it’s prudent to call myself a “photographer”, and leave it at that. At the bank, for example, when I am applying for a company credit card. When I approach a real estate agent, looking to rent some studio space. When I buy a car. When I go to a shop to buy photographic gear.

Telling them I shoot porn would work against me, so I tend to keep it to myself. They seem to find out after the fact, however, and that’s ok, cos I have already proven to them that I am reliable and responsible (ie, pay rent on time, keep the place clean, etc).

Some of the people who work for me (not models, crew, support staff, etc), are loathe to tell anyone about it, and insist I go to great lengths to ensure their friends do not find out. It bothers me that they are not proud of doing it “right”, but that’s their choice. And they are coming around, anyway, as they get more involved, they tend to tell more people slowly.

People I meet socially, I tend to tell up front, perhaps beginning with a euphemism initially, to gauge their reaction (“glamour”, “nude”). Responses range from “good on you!” (usually from guys), and “you filthy pig!” (when I get that, it’s usually from wimmin, but most wimmin seem to be fascinated by it). In the end, most people are ambivalent, but that could be cos they think I am joking. :slight_smile:

Again, when I talk to them about it, when they hear the details, they tend to view it as a business (as I do), rather than a sleazy hobby. There is a huge stigma here in .au, that all porn producers are sleazy, and dodgy in business. There are more and more people who are not like that, so basically, the industry is cleaning itself up. Slowly. But there are dodgy operators in any biz.



Nope, as someone else said, it’s there cos it’s tradition mainly. I HATE hate hate it, and have never once shot a model in high heels. No big hair, either. And hardly any makeup (none at all these days).

If you want to vote with your feet, and you care, email some of those sites that shoot every model in heels and tell them you reckon it’s ugly. Straight out of the 80’s, and it has persisted for some reason.

I do agree that heels do makes models calves, thighs and bum look more appealing in a certain way, so I suspect there is some of this going on… but not enough to justify every shoot having them, surely.
