Ask the Street Fighter master

As I recall, it was misprinted on the art on the outside of the cabinet for SF2:CE.

I DID play Street Fighter 2010. At the time, I was playing SF2CE on the arcades and I didn’t believe my NES-owning friend when he told me about said title. Needless to say, my hopes upon seeing the cartridge were ripped to pieces and flushed down the toilet when I realized that game was not street fighter at all!

Yo. Never been all that serious about fighting games (my all-time favorites are Fatal Fury Special, Real Bout Fatal Fury for Playstation, and the World Heroes series, for crying out loud), but yeah, I remember the SF era. Let’s not forget that Capcom singlehandedly created an entire genre (yeah, there was stuff like Violence Fight and Street Smart, but that was minor), one which is still very popular today.

Some lingering questions, pretty minor, nothing too hard.

Do you like balance (and the things it actually takes to achieve it)? One of the things that made The World Warrior so much fun was that everyone had a way to really pour on the damage. Easier for some than others, but that was just to be expected. Champion Edition, once the oh-my-god-the-bosses-are-playable novelty wore off, its popularity went down pretty quickly, as beating anybody with anybody was just too much of a pain. Nobody touches CE on any of the Ultracade cabinets I’ve seen.

Do words like “cheap” and “cheese” have any meaning to you?

Did you notice any difference whatsoever between Ryu and Ken in The World Warrior besides one of their throws? Just about everyone I knew swore up and down that “Ken’s stronger”, but I never saw it.

Do you think Capcom milked it too much? IMO, SF2 was seriously way too overdone…I don’t know anyone who liked Hyper Fighting, and Turbo was just plain murder…and they should’ve skipped the first Alpha and SF3.

Should Akuma have ever been made playable? Personally, I think it cheapens a spectacular uberboss when you make him just one of the guys (especially with the massive nerfing required to balance him out). I would’ve been more than happy with an Akumalike surrogate, which certainly isn’t beneath them (Urien, anyone?).

Does Makoto resemble any manga/anime character you’re familiar with? Personally, I think she’s far too competent to be an Akane Tendo parody (plus she doesn’t fall into a coma after taking one punch :smiley: ).

Finally, do you want a Street Fighter 4? Is there any point at this point?

Yo. Never been all that serious about fighting games (my all-time favorites are Fatal Fury Special, Real Bout Fatal Fury for Playstation, and the World Heroes series, for crying out loud),
Both those Fatal Furys were very solid games (unlike Fatal Fury 3). Remember Real Bout’s intro for PSX? Most impressive!

Balance is key to any fighting game of course. World Warrior was good but CE was just better. More balanced than WW.I liked the longer matches. I liked that blanka’s health was not depleted by half if someone countered his rolling ball attack. I also liked the slight nerfing of the throws. Throws were just too powerful on WW.

As it happens, I spent ungodly amounts of time playing WW. THen they brought CE to an arcade about 500 feet from where I lived and I ended up playing it along with its brother SF2Turbo for the Snes for a long time as well. And I absolutely, definitely prefer CE.

Everybody’s definition of those words is different so there are effectively meaningless. If it’s in the game, use it. I’ll grant that some styles of play are less interesting to watch than others though.

If anything, Ken should’ve been faster and Ryu stronger as has been the official Capcom trend since CE. But no, I never noticed any difference.

I agree with everything you said. That’s why I went the SNK way around 94.

Should Akuma have ever been made playable? Personally, I think it cheapens a spectacular uberboss when you make him just one of the guys (especially with the massive nerfing required to balance him out). I would’ve been more than happy with an Akumalike surrogate, which certainly isn’t beneath them (Urien, anyone?).


Everybody needs to be made playable or players will always have that slight itch to try him on. Remember all the fake codes to unlock bosses in Snes’ World Warrior? And there were 2 akumas. The regular one and the shin akuma. So the regular one would be the surrogate.


I would love a Street Fighter 4. Think on what could be done on todays machines! 2D sprites at HD resolution, 60 frames per second animations, gorgeous visual effects for special moves. I would be all over it!

A mate of mine makes up for shoddy games playing skills by mimicing Ken/Ryu’s lines when they shoot energy balls or use a dragon punch.

Hmph. Well, it makes more sense than “Why Eat the Squirrel Kid”, I suppose.

I always pronounced it “hatcha-cha-klakken” myself. Or just called it “Hurricane Kick”.

Ken vs. Ryu - Ken tends to have flashier moves: he does a nifty rolling throw when executed with the Kick buttons, his uppercut sets people on fire in some games, etc.

I’m a staunch Dan fan, myself.

OOSHA! shakes fist :smiley:

How many hours per week would you say you still play Street Fighter?

He was talking about World Warrior. In world warrior, there is no difference other than the rolling throw.

I am also a big Dan-Fan! I have lost dozens of matches because of excessive taunting. In fact, the day I discovered the super-taunt was the most beautiful in my life.

The word still would imply I have always played at least that much, which is not true. I’ve spent many years barely playing street fighter at all. Right now, I’m probably playing it on the order of 3 hours a day. Time flies when you get a room full of equally skilled players. No matter whether they are complete n00bs or the best in the world.