ASOIAF/Game Of Thrones, winter is coming?

IIRC the previous winter was fairly mild which contributes to most folks not being concerned about it.


The Long Night was supposed to have lasted a generation, and affected places as far south as Yi Ti (the world’s China analog). It was an exceptional event that is remembered thousands and thousands of years later. Sounds like a nuclear winter to me.

I’d just like to see that world’s solar system and orbits, so that I could understand their seasons that endure for many revolutions.

I suspect you’ll find them similar to our own, and that the anomalies are caused by magic, not orbital mechanics.

I don’t want magic! I want orbital dynamics! :mad:

Apparently it’s magic, and yet to be revealed.

Well, that’s unsatisfying.

You’re complaining about the presence of magic in a high fantasy series?

Ah, c’mon man - it’s medium fantasy at best ;).

Or “hung over with a pounding headache” fantasy. I very rarely feel “high” when reading it.

Here ya go:

Climate and Astronomy in Game of Thrones