Assessment essay gems

I’m confused. Doesn’t one assay gems?

Okay, folks, please fight my ignorance. …
What’s wrong with the first three words ?

(I don’t mind being told that I’m being whooshed–just do me a favor and explain how I’m being whooshed.)

I’m wondering if it’s the antecedent for “it”: does “after it was over” mean “after Kennedy’s presidency was over” or “after the Great Depression was over”?

If that’s not it, I’m confused too.

That is correct.

But there’s also the trivial matter of who the President was during the Great Depression.

Oh, that’s easy, Hoover. Deciding which Hoover, Herbert, J. Edgar, or the talking seal, makes it harder. I’m leaning toward the pinniped.

I thought, “…after it was over…” referred to, “…their lives…” :smack::smiley:

I’m reasonably sure that it was not John F Kennedy.

Then again, I’ve collected such gems as “Cleopatra was one of our national heroes” and something about people watching television during the Great Depression to get their minds off of their problems, so what the hell do I know?

Actually, I think that we are still, to this day, dealing with the fallout/residual effects of the economic turmoil, and the social upheaval and population displacement caused by The Great Depression.

So, as theses go, I don’t find it particularly implausible; how it effected the Kennedy Administration in particular is a bit baffling to me, though.

As a standalone sentence, yeah, it kinda comes out of nowhere, stops abruptly, and does nothing else of note.

I suspect what the writer was trying, and failing, to say was something like:

“During Kennedy’s presidency the Great Depression still influenced people’s lives even though it was over”

To me, the sentence read as if Kennedy had been the president during the Great Depression.

Well, it was JF Kennedy’s father’s stock trading before & during the Great (Hoover) Depression which made the family rich enough for JFK to run for President.

I hope to gather up some new gems this week. In the meantime, take a look at this feature on Tumblr:

Well, the effects of AB 705 are already taking place. I showed up for assessment on Monday, there were only five papers, one reader had been canceled and the other was late, so I read the papers for 10 minutes and got paid for two hours (that’s the minimum).
I got cancelled for Thursday. There were only 25 papers that day.

Normally we would have read at least 50 and sometimes many more than that for three hours.