As I sit here amongst my colleagues, hearing my faviourite team get beat by Reading, I couldn’t possibly care less.
I am happy for this because unlike the vast majority of my …( reading just scored)… compatriates my life does not revolve around it. And I do not feel one iota of misery if ‘my team’ loses.
I don’t care if the National team is out of the European Champion ships.
As soon as they start winning I’ll start caring (I wouldn’t be human if I didn’t)
Maybe I will!
I respect people for having something to be interested in, but my personal view is that life is saturated with Sport. Sports fans should seek out Sport, not the other way round.
Great! Now that you’ve lost interest in the sport whose players flopping and flailing would make an NBA player blush and a hooked large-mouth bass proud, you can start watching real football. Just four more weeks till the playoffs!
Well done Lobsang - now all you need to do is start taking in an interest in cock and you’ll be a proper gay man, rather than just a pseudo one.
Personally I wish football would just cease to exist as I hate the fucking thing and find talking about it as interesting as discussing bowel movements.
Unless you’re actually involved in the game somehow, how could there not be anything more interesting then the sport? A devoted fan with no other interests, and/or feels that there cannot be interests of a higher kind? Really?
I don’t think anybody believes that what was being said is that there is at least one thing more interesting than sports. It’s a bunch of snobbery, my interests are better than yours and you’d have to be a rube to enjoy that.
A little snobbery in my post, I’ll admit. But lets go back to the basic premise that started this and look at it more objectively. If one stops caring about sports, one would assume that you would take up something more interesting. Otherwise you would have zero interests, right? That doesn’t mean one is superior to something they once cared about, but no longer do.
…should be seen as a non-snobbish response, but of one that would open up new doors to someone who stopped enjoying the said sport by looking into other, more interesting things. It doesn’t mean that the previous interest is below new interests.
I agree that there are other things that are interesting, and that sports shouldn’t preclude looking into other things, but I’ll read that post as snobbery unless Quasimodal says otherwise.
Once you realize it’s all just corporate marketing you care much less. It seems every city I live in the taxpayers are suckered into building some massive $500 million dollar stadium for a team under the guise of “it will bring in money to the city”. I’d like to see the actual stats on that - providing a couple hundred McJobs isn’t my idea of “giving back”.
Orlando just committed to building the Magic a new arena, which is hilarious to me since the current owner is the Amway/Quickstar guy, a multi-billionaire. Yay, more taxes for all of us while he gets richer!
A friend of mine was recently upset over the Patriots win last week and claimed the refs fixed the game…my response was “of course it’s fixed, the Patriots going undefeated brings in millions of viewers a week, and the NFL is a business…the refs don’t want them to lose anymore than the owners”. Although I have to admit, it’s the only NFL team I watch this season
I stick to College sports now, it doesn’t feel quite as dirty to me. And at least the players have some sort of team commitment and aren’t traded for more money. And I can root for my alma mater.
Are we talking about American football (yawn) or what the rest of the world calls football?
American football players–bloviated, steroidal bores
Other footballers–some are very hot, others not.
If you want to talk about the game itself: football/soccer is more interesting to me. American football bores me silly.
Anyway, glad to hear that you’ve learned there is more out there. You could just watch in moderation aka mild interest. No need to turn away completely, is there?
I’m a snob and proud of it. No time in my life to get really into sports. I like playing them as a past time, but watching the day to day soap operatics of professional sport doesn’t interest me too much. I’ll take film, music, art, literature, science, cooking, and humor before sport any day.
There is one thing which bores me about the game anymore, something which more or less was true by the early 80’s at the latest. In baseball, a shortstop is typically some small scooty type of player, but there have been many good big men who have played there, such as Cal Ripken. For pitchers it is even more extreme, ranging from 6’ 10" Randy Johnson to guys way under 6’.
But in football, because it is so specialized, there is much less variation in body types at a given position. The body of every wide receiver looks exactly the same, and so on and so forth for most of the other positions (kickers not so much, with many little soccer-sized players but also big dudes like Sebastian Janikowski). If you are a defensive back and above 6’, you are a corner-under 6’ and you become a safety. Because there is so little variation, so little to look at visually to tell the various same-position players apart, both in terms of their body types as well as how they play their positions, that they all seem to blend together in my mind into one goopy undifferentiated mass.
This wasn’t so much the case 30-40 years ago-no way someone like Fred Biletnikoff even so much as gets a second look before the draft now. An underweight defensive lineman like Alan Page? Nuh huh. I am glad baseball doesn’t have extreme specialists like that (outside of DHs and certain roster filler types), or all the defensive SSes would all be 5’9" and 160 pounds, and all the hitters would look like Albert Pujols or even Prince Fielder.