At what point does the power to speak to the masses demand the responsibility of not lying?

At what point is it required that the masses be born with brains?

I still think my mandated ombudsman idea will work. The solution to bad speech is more speech. I do not think an ombudsman will be a problem for all media outlets, but for some they will burn like the fires of hell, and deservedly so.


The Canadians have such a law, but they can probably make it work because they’re, well, Canadians. We’re not Canadians.

If we can tolerate the Ku Klux Klan having rallies in national parks, then we can tolerate Fox news lying about stuff as long as every other news organization doesn’t prop it up as “one side of the story”

The “press” is supposed to police itself. When Fox news lies, it is the obligation of the rest of the press to jump on that. Editorial content that is identified as editorial content is just editorial content; but when Fox NEWS lies it is unethical.

There was a time when the integrity of the news teams of a network was guarded like the virginity of the priestesses of Athena. Now the news is ratings driven and it has been bad for journalism.

We expect the left to be increasingly against free speech. Liberalism just doesn’t mean “liberal” anymore.

The best answer I’ve ever been able to settle on about this issue is to force editorial shows to run a crawler reading something to the effect of: “The content of this editorial program reflects the opinions of the presenters, producers, and affiliated companies. It should not be viewed as impartial, or well-researched, or factual. Viewers are encouraged to get their information from a variety of sources.”

I’d advocate that being run on most 24hr “news” programs, along with shows like The View, Oprah, or other talk-time, topical type shows.

“Increasingly?” Is it your contention that the left is already against free speech to any meaningful degree?