At what point would you consider dictatorship to be better than democracy?

Apologies to everyone for rehashing this stuff here, but this is a site for fighting ignorance, so I can’t let it lie.

Such as what? What disinformation are you referring to?

This is a common misconception people have. Where people assume that if the first human to human transmission happened at time t, then at time t China would have known that they had a human to human transmissible virus more severe than SARS. That’s not how anything works,
It takes time and detailed work to confirm that it’s contagious, that it’s a virus and then that it’s a new virus.

As I have said many, many times, the initial cover up was appalling and government officials should (but won’t be) prosecuted, and the doctors should receive compensation. But the gap between their letter and informing WHO was 10 days. There was still plenty of uncertainty at that time.

I feel the same way about it as the scientific community, which is that it is an entirely baseless claim. “Agnostic” here implies some kind of a toss up between two competing explanations but we know that the virus bears all the hallmarks of being a natural mutation (and none of the hallmarks of GM), and started in a wet market. Versus zero evidence of a lab leak (indeed, worse than zero, as we’d expect to have seen cases at WIV first).