Attention: Any EARNEST use in political discussion of the following terms brands the user an idiot


Yes. ‘Shrub’ was the dumbest nickname ever. I don’t like George Bush, there are a ton of derogatory things you could call him that mean something, but Shrub? Ugh.

For my own contribution, “rammed (whatever) down our throats.” Also, if you unironically use the term ‘sheeple’ you are exactly the thing you think you’re calling the other person.

lamestream media

I dunno, maybe we should agree to keep that one, the visual imagery is even richer than “Teabaggers.”

Of course not, it’s a term of opprobrium when used by non-Southerners (self-branded idiot non-Southerners) to refer to the modern South.

Bernie Sanders is a socialist.

In what way is that idiotic?

Barack Obama is a socialist.

In what way is that not idiotic?

Bernie is, in fact, a socialist. Obama is, in fact, not. See the difference?

It would be just as idiotic for me to declare that Scott Brown is a teapartier.

I do think it’s funny and I kinda hope they don’t stop, but I think it fits the OP. Anybody that says that (about something political) seriously is an idiot.

[shrug] Never heard anyone use it that way either, and I spent a lot of years up North, and among liberals and LW radicals.

It is not, but, see post #16.

How about just calling people what they want to be called, and eschewing the name-calling altogether?

That means no more use of ‘TeaBagger’. Yes, I know that some tea party group somewhere used the term for themselves before they knew what it meant. But it’s also clear that almost all tea party members find the term derogatory and offensive. Therefore, continued use of it is just as obnoxious as ‘Rethuglican’ or ‘Dhimmicrat’.

And frankly, whenever I hear someone use it I degrade my estimation of their reasonableness or willingness to engage in serious dialog by a large amount. You might as well stick a label on your head that says, “I don’t like you and I’m not going to listen to anything you have to say.”

Well, for starters, you’d have to stop calling non-libertarians “statists”.

How can you be pro-choice if you are anti one of the choices? Pro-some-choices?

I don’t use pro-life for the anti-abortionists since they are not actually pro life. Forced birthers might be a more descriptive term.

“Birther” is taken. Forced or otherwise.

Forced birther was around first, and will be needed long after Obama is out of office, since it doesn’t look like they are going to take their noses out of other peoples business any time soon. However, is “pro forced birth” better? :slight_smile:

So, people on the left can use “Obamacare”, but not on the right? What if you not on the left or the right? I don’t see any problem with using that as shorthand for the Health Care Reform Bill/Law.

And speaking of branding yourself a partisan hack, if not an idiot, it’s odd that the OP could only come up with 3 “idiot” terms used by the left. Actually, it’s only 1, since they were all variations on the same thing.


Pro-choice basically means supporting someone’s choice – despite disagreeing with it. You can be against abortion – you can feel it’s wrong – but still feel that women should have the right to choose it.

Pro-choice doesn’t necessarily mean “pro-abortion” either. For example, if a woman doesn’t want an abortion, people shouldn’t criticize her choice.

Must it be in earnest? Is that important?

I know you’re proud to be a Canadian and all, but there’s such a thing as being too polite.