Attention Lesbian Mommies (and Gay Daddies, too)

My friend’s husband is a reporter, and she just pointed me to an interesting series in their local paper called “Living Gay.” There is at least one article about gay parents raising a child. Maybe that would help you out, although it’s not the same thing as direct quotes, of course. Perhaps a little background material?

Thanks, Cranky! That link is very helpful. I do, of course, need lots of sources other than primary ones, and this one is perfect.

I have two female cousins (sisters) who were raised by two women… one of them is now happily (and heterosexually) married, and one is bi and in a serious relationship with a woman, who happens to have edited a book called Out of the Ordinary about growing up with gay/lesbian/transgendered parents, and which I thus highly recommend. (You should be able to find it for sale on the web easily enough)

sorry for the slight redundancy of information, but here’s a link that might be interesting

Thanks for all your replies so far. Continuing on… for those of you raised by homosexual or bisexual parents, how did you deal with the attacks of religious groups (if you did) and how did this affect your view of religion? Were you afraid of peer rejection? Do you consider your family to be that much different from typical families?

BTW… MaxTheVool, that book is great! I’m reading it now. Not only is it perfect for my research paper, but it’s fascinating and impossible to put down. Thanks so much for recommending it!

I was raised by lesbians, does that count or am I too late?

— G. Raven

of course that counts :slight_smile: anything you had to say on the subject would be great help. Basically, now i’m trying to prove in my paper that alternative families work at least just as well as nuclear families. My main point is that homosexual adoption should be legal in Florida, and i am trying to disprove the myths surrounding alternative families, such as 1) homosexuals cannot provide good role models for their children, 2) children who are raised by lesbian or gay parents will be subjected to harassment and will be rejected by their peers, and 3)children raised by lesbians and gay men will be brought up in an “immoral” environment.
please, feel free to share what you will on the subject.

I’m a gay guy. My SO and I would like to have kids. But not only would the kid have to deal with having gay parents, he’d have to deal with having interracial parents (SO’s black, I’m white). Would this pose any additional difficulties for our child?

Birdie, I don’t know if you want to deal with this aspect or not. If this is too much of a hijack, let me know and I’ll start another thread.

RonA, i dn’t consider it too much of a hijack. if you did open it up as another thread, i would prolly want to quote much of what people are saying about it.
From what i’ve read, i don’t think it would pose much of an additional problem. One woman in a book i’m reading makes an excellent point – Any child of a minority will most likely face prejudice and ignorance. Does this mean that minorities shouldn’t have children? Of course not. Any child will be picked on for something. I think as long as you instill pride and values into the child early on, he will turn out all right. Many of the couples in the research i am reading are interracial, and they don’t seem to have any more trouble than the other families. Just to soothe any initial anxieties, the ACLU states:

I recommend reading the wealth of resources available on this topic. There are a lot more books and resources out there than you may think.

Birdie, I am a bisexual mother of two. I don’t feel comfortable posting intimate details here on the board (I sometimes post from work), but I would be glad to answer any questions you may have by email.

Good luck!