Autobiographies/Memoirs With Deliberate Factual Misstatements Or Lies?

The Sercret History of the Mongols (Ghengis Khan’s story) seems like it had some made up victories and often grossly exaggerated the enemy army’s size. no doubt the Mongols kicked some serious ass as well.

Maybe Tamerlane can add to this thread (if he hasn’t already)

But they were so charming! Truly, he told them so much better than the originals that they would be forced to admit it.

I came in to mention that one. The real “Julia” was probably Dr. Muriel Gardiner, who never met Hellman (but they had the same lawyer). Hellman insisted Gardiner and Julia were different people, which is possible **if **were two American woman doctors, from wealthy families, active in the anti-Nazi resistance in Vienna at the same time, who never met and had no friends in common, but both hit on the idea of having a friend smuggle them something by hiding it in the lining of a hat (as seen in the movie). This seems to stretch coincidence a bit far.