Backing up an entire hard disk (from C to D drive)

You can get a free copy of the SP2 CD (which contains all previous updates as well) here:

My experience has been that it is difficult to reinstate Windows on a drive without reinstalling it. Just backup the files (like the DLLs and the System directory) and you should get most of the files if when you do reinstall things are missing. While I would suggest this back with Windows 3.1 or 95, it is doubtful you would really need to do this today.

Here is how I backup:

Make a new batch file that will run the copy commands. I do this -

XCOPY /e /d /y /i /h /r /v C:\photos F:\photos
XCOPY /e /d /y /i /h /r /v C:\download F:\download
XCOPY /e /d /y /i /h /r /v “C:\documents and settings\your username\favorites”. F:\favorites
XCOPY /e /d /y /i /h /r /v “C:\documents and settings\your username\my documents”. “F:\my documents”


Here’s more info on the /commands and how to do this further:
You can set Windows to run this file at a certain time each night if you wish, or just double-click it to run it whenever you feel you need a backup.

I really like Maxblast 3 and Norton Ghost. Maxblast 3 has the interface that doesn’t require a reboot to DOS prompt. It comes free with any new Maxtor hard drive.
Western Digital Data Lifeguard Tools is almost the same exact thing, and can be downloaded free here
Just click on any WD hard drive in the left window, and on the right choose Data Lifeguard Tools 11 for whatever is your OS.
It’s only 3.47 MB so you should be able to handle it on dial-up. It’s really simple, too. Source drive, destination drive, and click start… what could be easier?

PS, I would have provided a link to d/l maxblast 3, but evertime I go to the d/l page, I’ll be damned if I can find it. I think the site might be redirecting for me for some reason. Oh Well.

PPS, no offence to bob, but I can’t see that his method is either simple, or the best way. I don’t know why you have trouble reinstating windows, but I’ve done it many, many times with the above method (I like to format a lot) and it’s extremely simple.

Thanks much for your advice regarding Acronis, xash. After reviewing everything on their website, I think it’s what I’ve been looking for. The only thing I didn’t like is that they will sell me a downloadable program for $49.95, but if I want the CD, I have to spend another $12.95. Some looking around found the retail product with CD at J & R Music World for $39.95. The advice of shipment email came this afternoon. Again, thanks. :slight_smile: