Bail & Bounty-Hunters - for real?

depocali has the right of it. Basically the relationship of someone released on a bond is similar to a parolee or someone on probation. You have already been informed of your rights (mirandized) and basically you’re the same status rights wise as a prisoner to your bail bondsman.

An arrest warrant can gain entry to a house or dwelling that the officer has probable cause that the prep is in there. However, an officer can only search the house for the person and is allowed to only look in places large enough to hide someone, no looking through drawers, etc (obviously any illegal items laying about will fall under the plain sight doctrine).

IIRC, the officer is also allowed to search anything within arms reach (typically 3’) of where they find the suspect. Perhaps we should invite bluepony here to tell us a police officers viewpoints/understanding.
Bounty hunters aren’t going to be worried about finding anything illegal–they just want their jumper.

As for returning over state lines, that (I believe) falls back under common law, though some states may legislate it. SD allows out of state bounty hunters to transport their fugitive back to their respective state as long as they complyed with the statutes.

Gen A.C. McAuliffe
“The general’s nuts.”
unknown 101st AB grunt