Battlestar Galactica 3.3: "Exodus, Part One" (spoilers)

I’ve been assuming one, or even two Battlestars aren’t going to out-gun the Cylons. More likely they’ll find a weakness - maybe turning their own virus against them again, or hold a gun to Hera’s head. Maybe they’ll decide they want them to find Earth. Or something like that. The Cylons will have to let them leave. Not be out-fought. I can’t imagine how they’re going to sneak 40,000 people off the planet, even with the launch keys. Could there possibly be enough grounded Colonial ships on New Caprica to evacuate everyone?

Heh. I wondered that too. I’d build my tent in the trees next to the stream, thanks. Not that bleak, cold grey dirt area. And who came up with the name “Breeders Canyon” or whatever it was?

cstamets, “our son” makes sense though, when you think about it in context. “Our prodigal son.” Or “our buddy Apollo, Adama’s son.” Our son. You know. THE son. That one.

They arrived in them, didn’t they? :slight_smile:

I’m thinking “by bus.” Not, all at once. But if all 40K of them did arrive in their own ships, then the fleet must be roomier than we thought.

True, Galactica and Pegasus are short handed due to the crew that is on the surface.

Also how many of the ships that landed can still be flown? How many have been dismantled for materials?

Right now Cavell has brought up the idea of saying, "Fuck it, this isn’t working. Let’s just take off and nuke the city.’ They Head Cylons are already tossing arond alternatives.

What’s going on isn’t working - maybe it’s time to try something new(old)?


Probably none. If there’s any one thing I’m not going to allow as either President or Military overlord, nobody is taking a goddamned thing from those ships.


In theory, whatever Colonial law exists is still in effect. Think I remember reading that Roslyn was way down the list of emergency Presidents when she took office. At some point in the missing year, President Baltar would likely have appointed somebody to the positions of at least a skeletal government. Really can’t see Baltar remaining president. One solution would be to swear in whoever the next in line surviving official might be. Or Adama could impose martial law until new elections could be held.

Not sure what Tigh is gonna do. Maybe some sort of liason/strategist for the combined fleet. Got a feeling Starbuck may be in line for a promotion if she’s still sane.

Don’t think they’ll lose the Pegasus. Ron Moore needs the space to provide jobs for characters already established, unless he plans on killing off lots of people in the big breakout, and I don’t he will.

As for the breakout itself, I see it going down thusly:

  1. Resistance launches diversion attack
  2. Galatica jumping in guns blazing. Surprise will probably let them score a quick kill on at least one basestar, but then the ship is going to get pounded.
  3. Evacuation ships load and start to liftoff, but Galactica is on the ropes…
  4. Cowboy Bill Watts charges the ring with a baseball bat to chase off the Freebirds…er…um…I mean Lee disobeys a direct order and Pegasus jumps in to make the save.
  5. The fleet jumps…some people may have been left on New Caprica, and they may lose a ship or two, but I’m guessing they’ll get away with 32-35K survivors.
    Really expecting a flash-bang shootemup episode next week. As noted by Silenus Naked Boomer would be most welcome as well.

After the breakout, I’ll be interested to see what happens to the goodlife. Some type of summary trial, maybe…

That will be a major thread through the rest of the season, I’ll bet: Who are the collaborators, and what do we do with them? Lots of hiding of secrets, and who knows what about who, and will Callie narc on Jammer?

I agree on the likelihood of a “Pegasus to the rescue” scenario for next week. If you want to think Evil Thoughts®…this would be the perfect time to kill off a few major characters, or seem to. The fleet and a badly damaged Galactica are trying to jump, but the Cylons are on them like white on rice. In jumps the Pegasus. In a daring but disquietingly familiar maneuver, Lee takes the Pegasus right between two Basestars, firing broadsides at both of them. There is a massive series of explosions, and as the fleet jumps to safety, everybody asks: “Did you see if the Pegasus made it?” No-one knows, but Adama says that Lee has pulled off miracles before, and that he’s sure they’ll see the Pegasus again. The Galactica jumps again…leading a rag-tag fleet in their search for Earth.

All humans in the fleet either were in space at the time of the Cylon attack on the 12 colonies, or got airlifted off a planet in a spaceship. And there wasn’t time (it appeared) for any ship to make more than one rescue trip. So there would be enough spaceships in the fleet to transport the whole, or nearly the whole, population space-to-surface at once.

You don’t see Tigh continuing as XO?
How does it come to pass that?

I suppose there would be for theatrical purposes. :slight_smile: Upon reflection however, I would think that the battlestar crewmembers at least went down on some sort of shuttle; others may have, too.

Cally’s testimony might save Jammer from a naked spacewalk. He did help her escape. I don’t want to see some copout where a mass amnesty gets declared. There’s gonna be executions, there’s gonna be lynchings (spacings). Now the Cylons must be keeping records of who’s helping them (like the New Caprica Police), will those records survive? What about Gaeta? Will he be able to prove he aided the Resistance? As far as everyone knows he’s Baltar’s chief of staff. Baltar will not remain as President. Adama would never recognize him again. I predict the Articles of Colonization will be abandoned and Roslin will take office as head of a provisional government and they’ll write a charter better suited for their situtation. RDM has said he’s using Vichy France as a model.

Shit. That means Tigh is the next President (ala DeGaulle). :eek:

Actually it’d make Adama the next President.

Is that on the SciFI site somewhere?

I’m certain Casey can’t be a hybrid; my guess is that she’s a clone of Kara.

How, how, how is Baltar going to survive? The Cylons don’t need or want him, and he has zero future with the humans.

Not sure how it would happen, but he outranks Lee, and Lee now has command of Pegasus. He’s also changed somewhat since he’s been in command of the resistance. Going back to just XO of the Galactica would be almost a demotion for him. Might see him take command of Galactica while Adama focuses on commanding the fleet. Or some kind of Fleet XO position…

All the people who were evacuated off the Colony worlds would fit exactly in the ships they were evacuated with. But didn’t we see most of the fleet jump away with Galactica & Pegasus?

They’re going to put him in charge of his own Basestar and tell him he better find the humans or else.

Six = Lucifer! :smiley: