Battlestar Galactica 4.11 - "The Hub" (spoilers ahead)

Nice Mind-Frak fakeout by Xenabot there, in fact, she’s got a pretty good safety net there, if anyone tries to double-cross her, she can “Out” them as one of The Five, and let the Humans “deal with the Toaster”

Interesting how Balty was trying to get the Centurion to believe in the Invisible Toaster Oven (or “God”) and Silicon Heaven (It’s where all the calculators go)

Well, we had nukes. :slight_smile:
That was pretty cool.

Best line of the night, Roslin to Helo: “Captain, you are not married to the entire production line.”

I admit I got a little misty when Roslin finally professed love to Adama. Happiness!

Safety net? She’s got five Cylons with a vested interest in her never opening her mouth, and she’s the last Three in the universe. I’d watch my back if I were her.

Yep, that there hub blowed isself up now reeeeeall good!

And why is no one making USB hubs that look like Res Ships or Res Hubs, think of the moichandising opportunities

The next redesign for the Apple Time Machine device, perhaps?

Yep, he’s right up there with Han Solo, who responded to"I love you!" with, “I know.”
“About time”? What the hell kind of reply is that?


I guess Adama felt like he was loving her all along but she just didn’t realize it (until she had her own It’s a Wonderful Life episode).

Some really good holy shit fake outs this ep: D’Anna telling Roslin she was a Final Five (snerk), thinking that Baltar might actually die ( this is the second time a Cylon jumped in front a huge blast to save his life), and wondering if maybe Helo WAS going to frak around with the entire production line.

I guess the dying leader found out the truth about the opera house on at least one level, finally, with Baltar’s confession to Roslin.

Did Boomer get off the Hub before it blew up, or is she gone for good?

Finally, confirmation that Cylon models can download memories from other copies. There’s one less fanwanking nerdfight for the internets.

Baltar and the Centurion was really going to an oooky place. All I kept thinking was: there’s not enough episodes left in this series for you to start up this plotline, Gaius. so knock it off.

Eights have really been getting hosed lately, haven’t they? First Athena brigged, now faux-Athena betrayed, and Boomer maybe boomed for good.

Close enough for ya?

I cracked up at the dog-like head tilt during Baltar’s story about the snacks on the nose.

I thought this was possibly Mary McDonnell’s best performance on the show. A lot of emotion, there, and going in a lot of different directions. And James Callis talking to the centurion has never looked more diabolical.

I definitely did not tear up at all at the end of Adama’s deathbed vigil, or at the end of the episode. Nope.

Looks like the felgercarb is gonna hit the rotary draft inducer next week for some of the Frantic Four.

Yeah, okay, well, not so much then.

Damn good episode. And next week’s preview, the midseason finale before the break, looks like a frakking barnburner.

The writers are really messing with our heads. Initially the Cylons were pure evil, total destruction of humankind,no warning and no remorse. What’s not to hate? Viewers are identifying with the hate mentality of the fleet. Then slowly the humanization of the Cylon begins. The six and eight that conspire to convince their compatriots of the need to save the humans instead of destroying them, the love of Boomer/Athena for Helo. Love and protectiveness of Hera. So now we see the rebels attempting to ally themselves with humans showing complete vulnerability, doing exactly what they say they are going to do and being totally manipulated and lied to by the humans. Where has our humanity gone? Are our morals only applicable in times of peace and otherwise any ends justifies the means? Perhaps that is what Roslin’s vision was all about. She needed to learn to love again, rediscover her compassion.

Enough philosophy for one day. Loved that one-handed death grip of D’anna. Can all Cylons do that?

They better drop the names next week, or there’s going to be hellfire.

Drop the names? From the Relevations preview it looks like 3 of them are seconds from meeting the Prez’s running mate

Roslin might as well have asked The Ghost of Episodes Yet to Come "Tell me! Are these the shadows of things that must be, or are they the shadows of things that MIGHT be? "? after watching the Galactica officers grabbing her belongings off her still-warm corpse. Sorry, that bit with Elosha just made me snicker.

Some fine snark from the Xenabot about the Eights: “They make ferocious allies.” “Yes, until they see something shiny”. :smiley:

Oh, and from the previews, we may be about to learn Name Five. At least Tigh comes out of the closet.

Hey, I didn’t catch the preview for the next episode - would someone mind spoilerboxing a summary for me?

I totally thought that Roslin was going to let Baltar bleed out.

My favorite scene though was Baltar Evangelizing the Centurion, just before it got blown to bits.

Was Anders even on the basestar? I though he was back with the Fleet. That was a nice mindfrak Three pulled on Roslin. :smiley: Regarding Baltar’s confession; didn’t Roslin already know he gave Capric-Six the access codes? She tried to get the prosecutor to charge Baltar for it, but she refused because she didn’t have enough evidence to support the charge.

Yo, he said, “I love you.”, by sitting around in deep space waiting for her to come back not knowing for certain that she was alive or dead. He doesn’t need to ‘SAY’ shit.