BBC America and the show Top Gear

Yeah I saw the good part of that episode on YouTube and recently again on BBC America. I remember on YouTube that after they were chased out of town they got caught in a torrential rain storm. That part was missing from BBC America. I makes me wonder what else we miss.

I think it’s related to the fact that BBC in the UK is non-commercial so their programs don’t fit nicely into commercial hour or half hour slots. I don’t know why BBCA doesn’t simply let them run longer. There is no law of nature that says everything has to start on the hour or half hour. Of course if you have a Tivo with the secret 30 second skip enabled, you don’t watch commercials anyway :slight_smile:

Unless you read, or god forbid, chat with a Brit!

/sarcasm - just to be sure :slight_smile:
I also love Top Gear. I’d want to buy it, but you have to have region-sensitive DVD players, I don’t think they sell it for American players. And I don’t have cable. So until then I watch what I can on youtube. :frowning:

I thought that too, but it was On Demand, so there weren’t any commercials, plus it was a little too convenient that most sections they removed were the anti-American ones.

I’ll never really know, since I won’t be watching that channel ever again. :slight_smile:

There was just as much vocal resistance to metrication here in the UK as I’m perceiving as happening in the US, it’s just that it pretty much ended at vocal resistance - people grumble about it, newspapers write dumb, opinionated, fact-free articles about how the EU wants all our bananas to be straight, then life carries on as normal, with a few more metric units in place.

It’s probably because it’s not worth them messing around with two versions one for live and one for On Demand.

I quite like the measures proposed by The Register
Length and Volume , temperature, force and weight

Anaamika google you DVD player make with “region unlock”. Most models have codes or remote keypad combos that unlock your player. I never buy one without getting the shop to unlock it before I leave.

Are any of them stoned? :smiley:

Really? We just bought a new one, too a year or two ago, and it might work. Hmm. I will look into that, thanks!

Thank you!

I study Engineering, so I think in metric. Except for beer. I’ll make a scene next time I’m short-changed on my ‘pint’…