Bedbugs!! Piss on the matress store guy!!

Holy shit-yikes!!! (Just stay away from Pittsburgh, dammit!)

My work here is done! :smiley:

How do you get the bedbugs to hold still while you insert the IV, though?

I’d make sure they were bedbugs before I raised hell about it.

Thanks so much for that link Guin, I really appreciate your efforts to show us IN SUCH FUCKING GRAPHIC DETAIL the little buggy things that might inhabit our beds while we sleep.

Thanks. Heaps.

(Insert scratchy smilie here). :frowning:


Wouldn’t really matter, ANY kind of livestock is unacceptable.

In New York as well.

Wouldn’t it be sick if this was Al Qaeda’s new strategy?

Hah! :smiley:

Don’t worry, if it’s big in New York and Chicago, it won’t be big in Pittsburgh for another 10-20 years. Sometimes it’s good to be so far behind the times.

Did he use those finger quotes? 'Cause that should have clued you in.

(Bedbugs are awful – they are making a comeback in NYC, too)

Cannonball… wheee!

Can Opener… wheee!

The junebug flies on wings of gold
The firefly wings of flame
The bedbug has no wings at all
But he gets there just the same!

Argh! What next: “the call is coming from inside your house”.

And Boston.

My husband said he got them in his apt before I met him. According to him, they were EVERYWHERE.

He thought he got rid of them, then went to put a pair of sneakers one day and they were crawling out of the laces.

I wonder how many bedbugs the average person eats in their sleep? I mean they’re attracted to human breath. Seems likely one could just fall right in your mouth.

Nuke him from orbit. Only way to be sure.

They’re making a comeback all over the country. Even in the swankiest of hotels.

I worked in a furniture store years ago, and the rule was, if you slept on a mattress, it was yours. We had an irate customer come into the store one evening, all pissed off because his chest of drawers didn’t come in when promised. However, he already received delivery on the bed and bedding, and we told him we’d take back the bed but not the mattress or boxspring. He was so angry that he went after my (female) manager. I had to call the cops to get him out of the store.

I think the store was wrong from a PR standpoint, but the rules are very strict with regard to bedding.

Hey! See post #34.

Wonder if its one of those cyclical things, like how head lice seem to pop up on school children every few years?

If that’s the case then clearly we need to discourage schoolchildren from buying matresses from a small businessman instead of from a chain.