Befriending Michelle

SanibelMan… I just wanted to say: Tigger is soooooooo CUTE!!

I wish I had some pics of #1 son (Simon… smart as hell, and beautiful too!) and #2 son (Baby…cute as a button, dumb as a rock) to post.

OK…back to our regularly scheduled thread… :slight_smile:

Mom always said there’d be days like this…she just never said there’d be so MANY of them!!!

Sanibel, your cat is a cutie! He reminds me of my poor baby Sunshine :frowning: although Sunshine was a lighter shade of orange. It wasn’t actually me that suggested picking you up by your pubic hair, I just seconded the motion! :slight_smile:

Kyla, if you like books where most of the main characters die, try Of Masques and Martyrs, a vampire novel by a guy named Golden. The book wasn’t that great but I thought killing off almost all the important people was kinda cool.

Ah! Fantasy! My passion! One day I’m gonna write a fantasy novel. Honest.


Eye of the World - gave up after about book six, when I realised it wasn’t going to end soon, and the entire book just seemed like filler. I’ll probably read the whole thing again when he finally finishes the thing.

Memory, Sorrow and Thorn - Brilliant series! One of my favourites ever. The last book was amazing!

Sword of Truth - the man has a serious pain fetish, I reckon. Apart from that,though, he writes good stuff. At least, I find it compelling. A bit dark in places, though. Another series with no end in sight, but each book is complete in itself.

Discworld - What can I say? The man is a genius, I’ve read them all at least twice! One day they’ll make a good movie of it, and frankly I’d love to be involved. Read Good Omens too.

My favourite authors: Terry Pratchett, Terry Goodkind, Julie V Jones, Dave Duncan, Diana Wynne Jones, oh and tons more!


Hero For A New Millennium!

The Legend Of PigeonMan - updates every Wed & Sat. If I can be bothered.

Michelle - It’s not considered sporting to give that many details away about a book’s plot. That said, are you aware that in addition to his Shadow Saga series, Golden is also writing some of the Buffy, the Vampire Slayer novels?

StGermain - Should I assume by your username that you are also a fan of vampire fiction?

Yes, I know that he writes Buffy stuff, I try not to think about that. (Although I do watch the show sometimes and play the soundtrack almost all the time.) As for the plot, well, heck, I knew what was going to happen before I read it, and it didn’t spoil it much for me!

I crave an art that passionately transcends the mundane instead of being a device for self-deception.–Griffin, from The Griffin and Sabine trilogy.

Man, I knew there was something I liked about GuanoLad.

GL, what did you think of The Last Continent? It’s on my Christmas list, as well as just about every other Discworld book in hardback. And is it or the The Fifth Elephant the latest in the series?

“Bodie, I noticed you stopped stuttering.”
“I’ve been giving myself shock treatments.”
“Up the voltage.”
-Real Genius

Having only moved to Australia about three weeks before I picked up my copy of The Last Continent, I can tell you it’s soooo accurate! You think it’s all stereotypes and clichés of Australian life, but it’s not! Totally on the money!

The next one is Carpe Jugulum, it’s a Witches against the Vampires story. Not his best work, but Agnes Nitt gets a lot of character development. And even a bad Discworld is miles ahead of anything else.

Then it’s *Fifth Elephant (aka, Uberwald Nights) *which is in hardback only so far, so I haven’t read it yet. It’s the City Watch meets Werewolves tale, so I suspect it’s centered around Angua a lot.

I’d just like to say, of all the things to hijack a thread with, this is a subject worthy of it, so I demand forgiveness.


Hero For A New Millennium!

The Legend Of PigeonMan - updates every Wed & Sat. If I can be bothered.

The latest book is The Fifth Elephant and it does center around Angua a fair amount, but Vimes is central to the story as well. I enjoyed it a lot. Also try picking up The Science of Diskworld is a pretty decent science book, and is NOT one of those Physics of ST type books. It is a serious look at how things are, and does not try to explain how some thing made up might work, but instead how things are thought to have currently came about (ie. The possible origins of the Moon, and how the Solar System formed.)

I read Goodkind and didn’t really care for it, to much of the Deus Ex Machina effect in them (The ‘How did he manage that!?’ ‘Oh, it was something I didn’t tell or hint about earlier’ excuse…also known as the ‘I’ll reverse the particle flow’ excuse.)

Tad Williams was a guest at BASFA (Bay Area Science Fiction Association) meetings, where he basically said, ‘I have a story, I write it, and then it ends.’ The only reasons things come out trilogies, is because its hard to read a 4000 page paperback. :slight_smile:

I have to read the Ghatti’s tale sometime, skimmed it once, and didn’t look bad.

Am currently reading Holt’s Who’s afraid of Beowulf and trying to convince a friend to loan me White’s Hospital Station (How Mercy Point should have been setup and based on.)

>>Being Chaotic Evil means never having to say your sorry…unless the other guy is bigger than you.<<

—The dragon observes

Thanks Narile. Is Science in hardback? I want all the Discworld books in hardback, so I’m restraining myself from buying them softback.

“Bodie, I noticed you stopped stuttering.”
“I’ve been giving myself shock treatments.”
“Up the voltage.”
-Real Genius