Best looking musicians

Really? Tell that to his groupie following. They adored him.

Donnie McDougall from the Guess Who

Bassist John Taylor was the model-pretty one.

Well that’s hardly an effective metric by which to measure such things. Gene Simmons, arguably one of the universe’s ugliest creatures, is as famous for bagging groupies as he is for his music :wink: Don’t get me started on the fellows in ZZ Top!

[quote=“bobot, post:28, topic:788368”]

Ok, with all this Olivia Newton John talk, I feel safe nominating a woman. Do you know Gabriella Quevedo? She’s quite a guitar player, as well. (Understatement of the year!)


Good Golly! Yeah, she’s very pretty.
Another candidate – Crystal Gayle!

Yeah, the “horny successful rock star” vibe can overcome physical unattractiveness, for sure!

Diana Krall, especially in a shoulderless leather dress, the way i got to chat with her for ten minutes. With her husband glaring at me. I was *not *leering.

Peter Murphy, back in the Bauhaus days.
Hyde, from L’arc en Ciel
Morten Harket, of A-Ha

I’m sorry - I have to go back further than 1980.

Robert Plant (Led Zeppelin) was BEAUTIFUL in his prime (early to mid '70’s). Unfortunately, not so much now!

Surprised how many posts it took to mention Robert Plant

I’ve always had a bit of a thing for Roger Waters even his younger, geekier look

I absolutely adore Jack White

Bjork and Liz Phair.

I’m not into dudes, usually, but ever since I was a grunge-loving junior high-schooler I wanted to look like Eddie Vedder and Kurt Cobain. And of course, there’s always young Frank Sinatra.

We should all be so lucky as to be glared at by Mr. Costello.

A female friend of mine felt that Roy Orbison was the hottest man in history. I don’t know what to believe anymore.

Hmmm… Ya know, I’d love to be able to sing like Roy, but I don’t get it, either. People just have different tastes, I guess…

Well, let’s not forget that he lived with Cher for a time and Diana Ross as well, then married Playboy Playmate and Hefner girlfriend Shannon Tweed. For one of the world’s ugliest creatures, he certainly did all right outside the groupieverse.

It’s called “money”.

You figure Cher and Diana Ross needed Gene Simmons’ money?

Let’s face it, a man can be insanely attractive to women despite not being “good looking”.

Money, power, charisma, smarts, talent, status, ability, success and heart can trump “unconventional looks” all day every day. I mean, sure, throw in good looks on top of all that because it doesn’t have to be either-or, it can be both.

Then there’s just the straight-up Kavorka Man.

He really was. I never thought Simon was that good looking, and I was a huge fan back in the day.

The emaciated Chi Pig of SNFU when his hair was all long and stringy and wore those awful knee-high blue socks.