Best Movie Openings or Title Sequences

Lethal Weapon II

The movie begins in the middle of a car chase. We don’t know how they got into that situation, we just see Mel Gibson hooping it up, pounding the ceiling of the car, and generally enjoying the mayhem!

You all are making me want to rent some movies!

Four Musketeers (1975). A sword flashes out of the blackness and disappears. That caught my attention.

Definitely Se7en and Fight Club.

Gooooo Fincher!


Another vote for Raising Arizona, although this is only after being reminded in this thread.

The first movie that came to mind was Memento, possibly because I wrote a note to myself that said, “You really liked the intro to Memento.”

I liked the momentary confusion of the Polaroid un-developing and the short reverse film sequence that followed (preceded?). It let me know that I was in for some mind bending narrative. Also, on subsequent viewing, I really liked the fact that as the picture un-develops, the director slowly fades from black-and-white to color, neatly resolving the forward (B&W) part of the narrative and the backward (color).

The restored edition of “Touch of Evil” is first.
The original edition of “Touch of Evil” is second.

Everything else runs far behind those two.

WarGames: The opening sequence with the two missle silo workers.

Goldfinger: The best pre-credit sequence of any of the Bond movies.

Raiders of the Lost Ark: Perfectly sets the mood for the entire series.

New Legend of Shaolin: Jet Li returns home to find his family slaughtered, except his son. He offers his toddler son a choice of a sword or a toy horse. If the boy chooses the sword, he goes with Li for life as a fugitive, if he chooses the horse, Li will send him to heaven to be with his mother.

I thought the title sequence for the first Austin Powers movie was a really funny take on ‘A HArd Day’s Night’.