Best of the Beatles: Abbey Road

I knew what this was going to be before clicking on it. Awesome. It’s been linked here before and what I’ve commented on is the drumming. Anyone who thinks Ringo is at best an average drummer needs to look at the drumming in these videos. Ringo was fantastic!

Interesting how, in “You Never Give…,” they use two different singers for Paul: the “sweet lad” Paul, and the “growly (let’s face it, a bit chubby in 1969) Paul.”

ETA: Make that THREE Pauls! The third is “slightly less growly Paul.”

Arrgh! FOUR Pauls! “Big, but clear, voice” Paul.

Makes you respect the stylistic range of the man’s voice.

It’s been awhile since I put on the headphones and listened to the album from beginning to end…yep, it’s still a masterpiece.

I remember hearing it for the first time at my friend’s house back in 1969. I had just got back from the record store and I went over to his house to surprise him. I hid the album behind my back and knocked on the door. When he answered the door, my friend grinned and held up HIS freshly-purchased copy and invited me in for a first listen. We fired up his father’s Heathkit system and flipped a coin: winner got to hear side one with his dad’s Koss Pro4As. I lost the toss and got the 'phones for side two. I think I got the better deal.

Yes Mean Mr. Mustard, we all know what you picked…

(Polythene Pam, right?)

It’s the jackboots and kilt that do it for me.

She’s killer-diller when she’s dressed to the hilt.

This is such a tough choice because there are so many great songs here. I delight in Lennon’s songs “Come Together,” “I Want You (She’s So Heavy),” “Sun King,” and most of all “Because.”

I could easily have voted for “I Want You (She’s So Heavy)” for its very cool blooze rock groove, intensely sexual drive, and mind-melting coda, or “Because,” because it makes me just drift away to a better place on clouds of pure musical bliss. I hate how “Mean Mr. Mustard” breaks in upon the also blissful “Sun King” and shatters the mood so rudely, but of course that’s Lennon for you, what a card.

Anyway, my choice is “Something,” which is just about the perfect song ever. Its melody, harmony, words, dynamics, texture, and arrangement, every single note is in exactly the right place. I want to prefer “Because,” but “Something” is the more fully realized piece, not fragmentary like most of the album.

Uhm, that’s your sister you’re talking about.

Because she never stops. She’s a go-getter.

This is probably one of my top 5 favorite albums of all time. Come Together was so fucking spot on in execution and just has this amazing and distinct groove to it. Something is like an emblem of everything I love about the Beatles - romantic, fun, with a driving but understated energy and featuring great transitions.

One of those two has to be the best song on the album, but as for my favorite, I’m going to go with Octopus’ Garden. Perhaps not very musically adventurous, but it is just such an infectious flight of fancy, and freakin Ringo wrote it :slight_smile:

Ok this entire album does it for me in a very randy, naughty way.

I voted for “She came in through the bathroom window”

Something about it just gets me worked up like a preteen girl in the Ed Sullivan theater screaming my head off, all the while lolling about in languid fashion in a just rumpled bed…

So get back over here

And sings it. It’s a great song. I’ve loved Ringo’s singing since I bought my first LP in 1964 and heard him sing “Boys.” The timbre of his voice is wonderful, and to this day I get a warm fuzzy grin whenever I hear him sing or speak.

My thoughts exactly.