Best Strategy if You've Just Killed an Intruder

I’m in Ireland so I killed the guy with a blunt weapon as I don’t have a gun*. I don’t touch or move anything and call the police ASAP after the incident. I also try to get a lawyer.

The law here is that you can defend your home with force up to and including lethal force if it’s found to be justifiable. You are under no obligation to retreat from the home. You can defend. So defend and do what the law requires of me. No way am I going to try and hide anything or change the scene. That just makes me look guilty and makes me have to lie. You should always try not to lie to the cops as it’s hard to come back from that if they find out.
*Farmers have shotguns and licenses can be got but in general most people have no gun.

If it goes to trial, either criminal or civil, you’ll be better off if you used a firearm named “M5906” or “M1911A1” than one named “Pulverizer” or “Deathbringer”.

Of course you call the police. Just because you have killed someone it does not necessarily mean that you have committed a crime.

Now once you start moving bodies, hiding guns, calling your friend for advice, then you are committing various crimes.

Good idea! but what if they do a DNA on the pigs snouts?

Seriously I have thought about how to kill an intruder that was going to do me bodily harm. I had a friend left over from the Vietnam war that said, “Don’t shoot at shadows”, but he also said that you have to have a killers attitude or you will be the victim.

If I had enough money and the situation arrived that an armed intruder made an illegal entry on my property. I would shoot him. Then transport him by remote controlled tractor dumpster onto the next property … in this case USFS land.

Wash and remove all traces of blood from tractor using remote control device to return tractor home. Dispose of weapon and shrug when authorities come around asking questions.

The only problem I see is a family member, of the now dead intruder, knowing what he or she was up to and seeking revenge.

I live in a Castle Doctrine state. I would be on the phone before their body hit the floor, then I would do my best to save their life, even if it seemed hopeless. IMO a non-sociopath doesn’t shoot to kill, they shoot to eliminate the threat, which may involve killing a perpetrator of violence. Once the threat doesn’t exist, then do what you can to cherish human life, all of it.

The people who talk about hiding the body, dumping it, placing a “drop gun”, etc. are either joking or have watched way too much TV. I think I’m fairly bright, and I don’t think for a second that I am going to fool teams of investigators and forensic scientists who get paid by the hour to find out “WTF happened here?”

IMO the opposite is true.

People who watch too much TV are the ones who put too much stock in the ability of investigators and forensic scientists to solve the case. Because on TV, these experts are almost always successful.

IRL they are somewhat less successful. And in cases where there is no connection between the two parties, they are less successful yet.

How easy is it to dissolve a body in the bathtub or other large container using household chemicals a la Breaking Bad?

Told to me by a Deputy Sheriff
If he is unarmed, go in your kitchen and get a large knife and put it in his hand
Call police. When they arrive, keep repeating, “I was afraid for my life.”

IMO, that’s a bigger mistake. Start trying to fake things and you’ll get tripped up and then you’ll look even worse.

Might work for that deputy sheriff, who is probably more familiar with what a guy who tried to knife someone would look like, but for an amateur there’s a very big risk that you’ll be tripped up over some detail that wouldn’t occur to you but which trained investigators look for.

ETA: ISTR the Ramseys fell under a lot of suspicion because the ostensible murderer used materials from inside the house.

If you use two drums welded together—because you evidently can’t fit a body within only one—fill with warm water and add some sodium hydroxide: about 14-15 hours.


Other practitioners provide some more detail of the process.

The rest of the cite is interesting reading if you’ve an interest in the origins of the horrific violence to control the narcotics trade in Tijuana.

Proving that us civilians do not have a monopoly on risible ignorance; LEOs get to have their share as well.

Third-hand story from a prisoner in state penitentiary-accidentally killed his girlfriend. He panicked, and hid the body. Since he was the responsible one, and hid the body, the state law called that a form of ‘murder’ and he did a longer stretch of time.
Don’t know/care if it’s true or not.

Don’t go to the effort of hiding/dismembering a body unless there is a need.

I completely agree in that case. The boyfriend is going to be very high up on the list of suspects and with alibi checking and forensic evidence etc. he has a very small chance of pulling it off.

This guy may have had a similar thought…

Right. BTW, unload (if a firearm) and secure the weapon but do nothing to clean it up or that in any way may look like trying to eliminate evidence. Do not move anything unless strictly needed to prevent imminent danger.

No matter what the mythmongers say, the concept of legitimate self defense has not been abolished by the eeeeviil lawyerly lawyers. Having to be subject to an investigation is NOT a negation of self-defense. Heck, a policeman who shoots a perp has to surrender the gun and park himself behind a desk while things are cleared up. But, obstructing an investigation IS a crime and will create a reasonable suspicion about your intent.

The question in the OP is nuts. Of course you should call he police. Frankly, there is hardly any jurisdiction anywhere, castle doctrine or not, where you are not exponentially increasing the trouble you’ll get into by trying to hide a dead body.

As usual we have the Crafter_Man advice that you can’t use the word “kill” but must use the word “stop,” which doesn’t have any legal meaning or weight. In fact, what you should tell the police is “I shot an intruder, please come to my house” and then just do as your lawyer instructs. Crafter_Man isn’t your lawyer.

If you shoot an intruder in your house, contrary to popular belief it is very unlikely you’ll end up in prison unless you deserve it - for instance, if you shoot somebody while he’s running out your front door and down the sidewalk to the street in an attempt to escape, yeah, you’re in trouble, but you should be.

This. I’d make sure to google “how to dispose of a body” and “how to make a murder look like self-defense” first, just for good measure.
If I killed a stranger in my house, I’d just call the police. I’ve got a wife, I’ve got kids, and I’m squeaky-clean.

WTF is everybody so insistent on unloading the gun? If you set it down, and secure the area, that is sufficient. The cops can unload it.
Any half-assed DA could use your unloading it as proof that you were trying to destroy evidence.

Call the cops first. Call your lawyer second. Follow Masaad Ayoob’s guidelines for speaking with the police:

  1. Officer, this man attacked me
  2. I will sign a complaint
  3. The evidence (bullet casings, etc.) is right there
  4. Those people witnessed it
  5. Officer, you will have my full cooperation and I will make a statement after I have spoken with my attorney.

A big garbage bag, “OR TWO”?? So, you are planning to chop him up first? I really hope the OP is a woosh, because this second option sounds a lot like the musings of a psychopath.