Biden Getting Ready To Step Aside?

What bizarro world are you living in, dude?

One in which there are clearly double standards for conservatives (Clarence Thomas, Bob Packwood) and liberals (Bill Clinton, Ted Kennedy). :rolleyes:

Packwood was a moderate-to-liberal, and your grouping him with Thomas is a bit odd, as Packwood opposed Thomas (cite)

Oh, yeah, remember how Eliot Spitzer remained in office and nobody said anything, while David Vitter and Larry Craig were viciously and unceremoniously booted out of Congress?

You think what Thomas did is no worse than calling a reporter sweetie? :rolleyes:

If cheating on your wife was a disqualification from office, the Republicans would have to look for a new candidate. Remember what happened when they pulled this stunt last time? Half the Republican leadership was revealed to be messing around.

I think there is another context - the woman who was in the Democratic race was actually qualified to be president - unlike Ms. Knownothing.

Well Governor Palin has balanced a state budget and cut spending. She’s running as Vice President. Senator Obama has no executive experience at all and has spent most of his first term running for President. The Republicans have more experience with their Vice Presidential candidate than the Democrats have with their presidential candidate.

I haven’t seen Palin debate but I have seen clips of Biden in action. He’s as sharp as a marble.

So, Palin’s worse, eh?:slight_smile:

Wow, it’s weird to see someone else post this. My friend (a conservative) told me with absolute conviction that (he seemed to suggest it had something to do with the brilliance of the Sarah Palin pick) Obama’s team would find some excuse for Biden to step down. Has anything like that ever happened? Even if a VP turns out not to be the ideal choice, under any circumstance other than some major scandal I would think that replacing the VP candidate would be seen as a sign of weakness and be a greater liability than keeping them.

I think Biden will just fine. And yes, i think Palin is going to be worse…We’ll see.

When their debate comes up, there’ll be massive expectations for Palin, and few for Biden. If he does as much as hold his own he’ll be seen as the victor and to have popped her bubble.

Got any straw left?

In 1972, George McGovern’s first VP choice, Thomas Eagleton stepped down. Not for anything major though. Just that he’d had electroshock therapy a number of times in his past!

There’s a difference between straw and sarcasm.

I don’t think Biden is going anywhere. What on earth would Obama have to gain by picking Hillary at this point? It would be so blatantly political it would make McCain’s pick look like the most thought-out well reasoned pick in history. Think about the groups both candidates are trying to reach:

  • The so called PUMAs, aka the die hard Hillary supporters. It boggles the imagination that even one of these people would vote for McCain and Pro-Rape-Babies Palin just because there’s a woman on the ticket. They don’t just want any woman, they want Hillary.

  • The idiot voter. McCain is doing well reaching out to the idiots so far, especially with the whole “Barack called my soulmate a pig!” bullplop. If Barack wants to get the idiots back on his side, Hillary isn’t going to help. They hate her, although they’re not sure why. Good ol’ average fella Joe is much better to appeal to them.

  • The hardcore religious righty Republican. There may be some overlap with the above group and this one. These folks were iffy about McCain before, but are apparently coming out in droves now that one of their own is on the ticket. Still, there may be some mistrust with McCain, so they may not all be flooding to the polls to pull his lever. But if Hillary was on the other side, they’ll be lining up weeks in advance to vote for McCain like it was a Jeff Gordon signing. There’s only one thing they hate more than France and PBS, and that’s Hllary Clinton.


Obama admitted it was wrong and called up the reporter and apologized for that. Obama didn’t give himself a pass and made it right.

Meanwhile see the discussion about how McCain misrepresented Obama’s legislation to teach kids how to recognize sexual abuse and what to do about it as “sex ed for kindergartners”. See the discussion at
Despicable: McCain & child sexual predators - The BBQ Pit - Straight Dope Message Board. McCain would apparently prefer to enable pedophiles.

And how is McCain for “change” when he sided with Bush’s incompetence 90% of the time? (percentage is from the coward McCain’s own words). The fool is a flip flopper on a grand scale a 100 times worse then any perceived complaint about Kerry
You can call Democrats hypocrites, but it takes McCain the Republican to show what true hypocrisy is.

Bill Clinton got a pass?

You mean the part where his peccadillo was made public and front page news for months and he was impeached by Congress? That pass? :rolleyes:

And people wonder why liberals are alleged to be elitiists.

You do understand that plenty of “hardcore religious righties” have no interest in NASCAR and may actually have read as much as you in reaching their conclusions? Or is it just more convenient to play the “I’m smart my opponent is a stupid redneck” game?

McCain made a joke that Chelsea Clinton is “so ugly because her father is Janet Reno.” Total media pass. Imagine the reaction if Obama had said it. McCain gets passes on his adultery, his wife abandonment, the Keating 5, calling his wife a cunt, his wife stealing from her own charity to support her drug habit, laughing when an audience member asked him “how do you beat the bitch?” (in reference to Hillary). Th list goes on. Obama’s campaign would be destroyed for any one of those things.

Because it was funny.

I agree, that’s a pretty sure bet.