Big Love 5:03 "Certain Poor Shepherds"- Open Spoilers

If this link is correct and up to date, it might be unlawful sexual conduct with a 16- or 17-year-old. That being said: in the real world, Bill and Margene have been together for five or six years and have three children together. Nobody’s complaining about their relationship. I’m not a cop or a DA, but to me it seems unlikely anyone would charge him with a crime. If the truth came out and were substantiated it might damage his political career, to the extent he has a political career at all, and his business. I don’t see the writers putting him on trial and I don’t think a prosecutor would either.

But that’s exactly the kind of law (sexual misconduct with a minor, or something like that) that the authorities use to go after polygamists. Any DA who wanted to send a message to the emergent polygamists could very well set Bill up as an example. And keep in mind that Utah has a law against “living a polygamist lifestyle”.

Stupid Margene. She should have just told Bill in private.

I thought that this season would begin with the Henricksens becoming the most famous family in America doing interviews on The Today Show and Anderson Cooper and being wooed for a reality show. That’s a lot more likely than just pissing off a few Utah voters- anybody who did what he did would get MEGA press instantly unless there was a skyjacking or something equally good that week.

Perhaps we’re supposed to believe they spent the days between the announcement and this season turning down those sorts of offers. Of course that would completely contradict Bill’s “bring The Principle into the light” idea, but so what? :stuck_out_tongue:

Lura deciding not to go with Alby was pretty shocking. Alby’s not going to take that lying down. Since trying to use the legal system against her is out of the question things are going to get very ugly indeed.

Just why is Heather really visiting the Henricksons? :dubious: I don’t fully buy her story about just wanting to visit during the holidays while her parents are in Mexico (though I don’t doubt they really are there). Does she have an ulterior motive? Did somebody hire her to get dirt on the Henricksons? She was in the house (if not the room) when Margene spilled the beens about her age (I agree it shouldn’t be hard for a journalist to figure that out), so was Adaleen :eek:. And she’s transfered from ASU to BYU so she has apparently gone back into the LDS Church’s sphere, maybe somebody in the Church put her up to it? Blackmail over a lesbian liason?

Lois’s sudden fall into dementia was painful on a number of levels. She’s always been a bit crazy and the family hasn’t been interacting with her much so I can buy that they didn’t notice until now. My grandmother’s coping mechanism was her cataracts and I was Ben’s age when the dementia started.

Was it me or were Heather and Ben making puppy eyes at each other?

Yeah, they were telegraphing a relationship between those two pretty hard.

Everybody, wait a minute, wait a minute.

When the wives find out that the handguns were their Christmas presents and get upset about it, Bill starts arguing with them, then angrily tells Margene that he needs her driver’s license and that he’s not going to ask her again, or something.

Also, you don’t need someone’s driver’s license to buy them a gun as a gift.

I don’t think the guns had anything to do with Bill’s request for Margene’s license.

He said he needed them for the permit applications. Personally, I wouldn’t have thought you could apply for someone else to get a gun permit, and I’m not quite sure what good a state picture ID would be for an absentee application, but then again, what do I know about buying a gun or getting a permit?