Bill Burr

Mike Birbiglia can be brilliant but sometimes falters over an hour-long act.

John Mulaney is a good performer and comic, but he upped it considerably recently, in case y’all missed it.

But the one who really makes me roar lately is Chris Porter.

Ha! Thanks for sharing that!

I listen to Mike every so often on my comedy mixes, but he doesn’t do anything for me. I also quite like Jim Gaffigan, although that’s a very different style of comedy. I’ll check the other ones you mentioned out.

He’s very blue collar. It’s not really smugness from my perspective, it’s more of an attitude that many people are full of bullshit.

I’m surprised to see that he is so well liked in a liberal/left leaning environment such as this. He is also very well liked on a very pro Trump message board I was reading. Probably one of the few celebrities I can think of that is popular with both ends of the spectrum.

I liked some of his older stuff he seemed a little more raw back then, the later stuff I saw I didn’t enjoy as much, he’s sort of become a caricature of himself. Also his voice just gets annoying to listen to after a while.

He’s funny, I especially like his confrontations against Anthony Cumias racism, his other stuff is good but its veering into ‘Old man yells at cloud’ Territory

Exactly.And if his act was 25 years ago, I doubt we’d know who he was.

The last time someone posted a thread about a comic I’d never heard of I googled a couple of random links. Not so funny. The OP later linked to a bit they thought was a good example of their better stuff and it was.

I’ve never heard of this guy. It would have been nice for the OP to link to a good example of what they were describing.

The late Greg Giraldo’s NSFW bits on Hurricane Katrina and Civil War Letters were great. One of my favorite comics ever. And even better than Jeff Ross (the “Roastmaster General”) on the Comedy Central roasts.

I’m sorry. His stuff is all over the webz, but here you go. Some of his bits with TV hosts are quite good.

Funny cause he appeared on Daves show a bit I believe.

I don’t find his and Dave Chappelle’s comedy to be remotely similar other than that they are both hilarious.

I’m indifferent to his stand-up comedy, but I’m not a big stand-up comedy fan nowadays. I thought “F Is For Family” was pretty funny, though.

Same here.

Look up his appearance on Kimmel last night. Pretty funny.

Bill Burr is probably my favorite current comedian. I don’t always agree with everything he says, but he isn’t afraid to offend a little and doesn’t apologize. On his Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee appearance, he and Jerry were talking about PC language and how if anything is off-limits to a comedian then they can’t do their job.

Him talking about Oprah’s Lance Armstrong interview on Conan is one of the funniest things I’ve seen from him.

That was good.

“Oh shit, it’s Wolverine!”


Bill Burr is superb - I’ve become slightly obsessed by him.

I didn’t know he was in that movie - The Frontrunner (about the Gary Hart sex scandal in the 80’s). I’d heard a little about it on Pod Save America, they were raving about the book. The flick looks pretty good, judging by the trailers. Damn, they are leaning heavy into the 80’s retro-look, though. Or maybe I’m a little sore about it - being 23 in 88. I was leaning heavy into the 80’s retro-look. I digress. The movie looks good.