Birthers launch a new attack - on Romney

I heard that one of Romney’s four great-grandmothers said in a confused phone call with Michael Moore that Mitt was actually born in Guadalajara.

Also, he was secretly educated in an escuela, and Terry Nichols’ favorite pizza delivery man says that Terry told him he was funding this Mexican kids’ campaign for governor of Massachusetts.

WAG, they’re saying because George Romney was born in Mexico, that makes him a Mexican citizen, which by extension would make Mitt a Mexican also (and probably an illegal one at that, knowing these idiots’ line of reasoning).

It’s a well-known fact that Mexicanism is carried on the Y chromosome.

It’s Fiesta time . . .

This must be why Mormons are so obsessed with genealogy.

No, no, on a spirograph (this link may only be good today, 3/23/12)

No, it’s carried on the Dos Equis chromosome.

I’m sure that means Romney’s in the clear; he’s not even remotely interesting.

Stay Thirsty My Birther Friends…

Keep your thirst for more moronic stunts.

Sheesh, this thread can’t get anything right. “Clear” is for Scientologists; Romney’s a Mormon.


Well, he’s changed his mind about everything else…

Keep pluckin that chicken, birthers.

Wasn’t the elder Romney considered as a potential Presidential candidate? And I know Nixon considered him for the Veep job. His citizenship would have been considered then.

And they did quite often in the south, post-Civil War. Just in case you needed history to back you up.

He tried for the Republican nomination the 1967-68 cycle.

It was.

George Romney left his parents’ home in northwestern Chihuahua–not that far from New Mexico–at the age of 5, and his folks had Utahn roots.

Aldo Santorum left Trentino at the age of 7. He was at least a full year older, and his family did not so far as I know have US roots.

If I really wanted to push this, I could spread rumors about Newt Gingrich’s mother. Was he really the son of a man called McPherson, or was he the bastard of a foreign sailor? Who knows?

[del]Clearly, Ron Paul is the only real American in the race.[/del] [blatant lies] Ron Paul is an extraterrestrial, stranded on this planet for decades, who only wants to be President to gain access to sufficient broadcasting power to phone home! [/blatant lies]

Seriously, though, if it’s unfair to pick on Gingrich for possibly being the bastard of a foreign sailor, it’s unfair to pick on Obama for not-really-probably-at-all being born in Kenya to a woman under 21 years of age and a man who ended up being an absentee father anyway. Picking on politicians over where they were born is silly, and we should repeal this requirement.

Schwarzenegger for President.

White bread has a week dedicated to him.

His blood smells like Play-Doh.

If he were to punch you in the face, you’d feel the irresistible urge to do…nothing.

On a road trip last year I did some listening to right-wing radio, and there were callers stating that in order to be a natural born citizen, both of your parents had to be citizens. And so, “obviously”, Obama wasn’t a natural born citizen. They stated this as if anyone who didn’t know it was an idiot, and they were dumbfounded (pun intended) that the country was letting this slide.

But one thing that is interesting here is that, assuming Romney is the nominee, we will have two candidates who are both only a few generations removed from polygamy.

So by that reasoning, anyone who had a forebear that came to the United States after the American Revolution and didn’t bother going through naturalization process, wouldn’t qualify as a U.S. citizen then?